CHEM 1405 - Introductory Chemistry I (with lab)

Link CHEM 1405 PowerPoints From the publisher of Corwin's "Introductory Chemistry: Concepts & Connections." CHEM 1305 and 1405 cover Chapters 1-13 of the 6th edition of the textbook, and Chapters 1-12 of the 7th edition. Folder CHEM 1405 Chapter Notes The notes for Chapters 1-13 have been edited by Mounia El-Amrani, HCC chemistry instructor. They are based on the 6th (and ealier) editions of the textbook. Folder CHEM 1405 Practice Exams These exams were originally prepared by Venus Ravanmehr and Oluwadolapo Ekibolaji, HCC chemistry instructors. These exams are also based on the 6th (and earlier) editions of the textbook. Folder CHEM 1405 Lab Handouts Print your copy and read the experiment before coming to lab! Link Corwin 4th Edition Textbook Companion Site Free, no login is required. The site includes practice quizzes by chapter and a math tutorial. Link CHEM 1411 Practice Problems Though intended for General Chemistry I (CHEM 1411) at HCC, Intro Chem students may find these problems good practice also. Link Khan Academy Chemistry Videos Link Corwin 7th Edition Textbook Information Custom-published version sold in HCC bookstores. The "external link" under the description links to information about the full hardcover version. Reading List Custom HCC Corwin Textbook, 6th Edition This is the previous textbook used at HCC, still in circulation. Folder CHEM 1405 Blei & Odian Materials From the publishers of General, Organic, and Biochemistry, by Ira Blei and George Odian. This textbook is used for some CHEM 1405 sections at HCC. Check your course syllabus to confirm which textbook is used for your class (Corwin or Blei & Odian).