The Center for Civic Engagement MISSION STATEMENT

The mission of the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) focuses upon strengthening democratic citizenship and participation education for Houston Community College students, faculty, staff, and the Houston community at-large.  The CCE believes that civic education and instruction is a vital component to college education and necessary to prepare students for 21st Century success.  Through voter education outreach, voter registration drives, and voter mobilization, the CCE strives to impart to the HCC community that a high-quality democracy requires a knowledgeable and active citizenry, and that everyone has something to contribute to our democracy. 


The CCE also works with faculty and staff to develop interdisciplinary curriculum to demonstrate that democracy and policy touch all areas of our lives.  Skills for democracy are taught through campus programming throughout the academic year, including deliberation skills, media literacy, civil rights and liberties, political participation, and issue knowledge.  All events and programming are non-partisan and pan-ideological.  The CCE does not endorse any political parties, ideologies, interest groups, or candidates.