
Cammy Shay

"The most important political office is that of the private citizen."  

~ Louis Brandeis


"Political Science (Government) is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior. Political Science subfields include political theory, political philosophy, political ideology,  political economy, policy studies and analysis, comparative politics, international relations, and a host of related fields."  --APSA Website

For more information about Political Science click here.


HCC Government Program Mission Statement:

The purpose of the government curriculum is to educate students by emphasizing broad preparation, diversity and flexibility for a lifetime of learning. With an education in political science, students obtain the vital intellectual skills that qualify them to be employed in a great number of occupations as well as to be informed and active citizens. With this foundation, our students possess the tools to educate themselves continually, throughout their lives. Adopted 2-14-2013


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