Career Opportunities

The skills you learn in the Humanities and Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies are invaluable for your future career--not job--and earnings potential. As the articles below discuss, courses in the Humanities teach a variety of skills that 21st-century employers want and need and, crucially, that cannot be replaced by a machine. As the Business Insider points out, the Humanities are the study of people, human creations, human understandings of the world around us, and interpersonal relationships; that awareness is critical not only to career success but also to career contentment. Whether you intend to become an artist, a teacher, an entrepreneur, an attorney, a legislator, or even a law enforcement agent, the Humanities provides a background and historical perspective for your ability to evaluate and craft your skills. Moreover, studying in the Humanities gives you experience in understanding audiences, receiving feedback, and interpreting criticism to best know how to market yourself and your art. For aspiring business owners,  the Humanities offers innovation, creativity, and an ability to recognize and evaluate opportunities and risks, all hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs. Humanities majors learn these skills plus crucial interpersonal skills, research skills, and historical and cultural awareness that mold them into successful and creative business-owners.

Where do you want to go with your Humanities degree?

Featured Articles

"11 Reasons to Ignore the Haters and Major in Humanities" from Business Insider

"25 Great Jobs for Humanities Majors" with Descriptions

"What Can I Do With a Humanities Degree?"

Career Options and Information

Check out HCC's "Career Coach" for more information about your prospective career and your career goals.

Interested in starting your own business? Check out HCC's BizConnect Center for Entrepreneurship