Recent Links

Link "Let it Snow" by David Sedaris
Link Eagle Online
Everything for this course is on Eagle Online.
Link Expunction & Nondisclosure
This is a general discussion of expunction of arrest records and the nondisclosure of crimes for which a successful deferred adjudication has been completed. Under Texas Government Code Section 411.081 the court may prohibit criminal justice agencies from disclosing to the public information related to a criminal offense after a successfully completed deferred adjudication. This law does not prevent the Texas state licensing agencies such as the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy from accessing criminal records sealed under a non-disclosure order. The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy does not have the right to access arrest records that have been expunged from your criminal record.
Link C source code APA Cheat Sheet, UI-UC
Link APA Style Manual
Link Biobuilder
Educational companion site for iGEM.
Link iGEM: Synthetic Biology Competition
Link StarBiochem
StarBiochem is a 3-D protein viewer that allows students to learn key concepts about the biology of proteins in an interactive manner. Unlike traditional 3-D protein viewers which may require installation and significant technical expertise, StarBiochem is an intuitive 3-D protein viewer designed with students in mind. StarBiochem’s user interface was designed to visually represent protein structural information based on the four different levels of protein structure, which mirrors how students get introduced to this topic in class and in textbooks.
Link VCS/ICS calendar StarGenetics
Mendelian virtual cross generator (cows, flies, smiley faces, peas etc.)
Link StarBiogene
StarBiogene is a set of visual and analytic software tools for the analysis of genomic gene expression data generated through microarray analysis. This software allows students to compare the expression of multiple genes across a range of biological samples (cell lines, tumors, etc). For example, students can use StarBiogene to compare different patient tumor samples and identify characteristics that are common to one set of tumors based on global patterns of gene expression.
Link Escalator
Link object code Vectors & Scalars (video)
Vector & Scalars (video)
Link Physics (videos)
Physics (videos) from Khan Academy
Link Dynamics (videos)
Dynamics (videos)
Link Statics (videos)
Statics (videos)
Link Basic Trigonometry (videos)
Basic Trigonometry (videos) from Khan Academy
Link Vectors (videos)
Vectors (videos) from Khan Academy
Link Review for Final Exam (Cambridge)
Link ECMAScript program Review for Final Exam (My English Pages)
Link Verb Tense Review for Final Exam (English Page)
scroll all the way down-on the left- do Verb Tense Practice Test & Final Test