ESOL-0370-ESL (ESL 0370)


ESOL 0370: English for Speakers of Other Languages Course for ENGL 1301



Course Description: A co-requisite course in support of English 1301: Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. Core curriculum course.


Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
  • Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.
  • Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose
  • Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.
  • Use Edited American English in academic essays.


English Program Learning Outcomes

  • Write in appropriate genres using varied rhetorical strategies.
  • Write in appropriate genres to explain and evaluate rhetorical and/or literary strategies employed in argument, persuasion, and various genres.
  • Analyze various genres of writing for form, method, meaning, and interpretation.
  • Employ research in academic writing styles and use appropriate documentation style.
  • Communicate ideas effectively through discussion.

Core Objectives: Given the rapid evolution of necessary knowledge and skills and the need to take into account global, national, state, and local cultures, the core curriculum must ensure that students will develop the essential knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college, in a career, in their communities, and in life. Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.


Students enrolled in this core curriculum course will complete assignments designed to cultivate the following core objectives:

  • Critical Thinking Skills—to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
  • Communication Skills—to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
  • Personal Responsibility—to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
  • Teamwork—to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.


Course Materials:

Textbook: The Little Eagle Handbook, ISBN: 978-0-393-69199-3

Note: This is a special combination of The Little Seagull Handbook with exercises 3rd edition and They Say / I Say 4th edition

Websites for the course:

We will be using these websites. Failure to use and log into these classes regularly may result in your automatic withdrawal.

These requirements are the same as for the co-requisite class: English 1301


Course Requirements:

Course Grades

A (90-100%) Excellent work that demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment, has few errors of any kind, and shows exceptional ability to communicate to a specific audience.

B (80-89%) Above average work that shows understanding of the writing topic, has few serious errors, and provides good communication with a specific audience.

C (70-79%) Average work that shows understanding of the writing topic, contains few errors that interfere with adequate communication. A “C” essay gets the job done; it fulfills the requirements outlined in the assignment sheet.  

D (60-69%) Below average work that fails to follow the assignment and/or fails to respond adequately to the writing topic, contains a number of serious errors, and demonstrates only marginal communication with a specific audience.

F (0-59%) Incomplete work, work that fails to follow the assignment, and/or work that fails to respond to the writing topic, contains a number of serious errors, and provides little communication with a specific audience.

HCC Grading Scale

= 100 – 90 4 points per semester hour

= 89 – 80 3 points per semester hour

= 79 – 70 2 points per semester hour

= 69 – 60 1 point per semester hour

F = 59 and below 0 points per semester hour

FX (Failure due to non-attendance) 0 points per semester hour

W (Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hour

FINAL GRADE OF FX: Students who stop attending class or stop actively participating in class and do not withdraw themselves prior to the withdrawal deadline (July 30 for the Summer 2 term) may either be dropped by their professor for excessive absences or assigned the final grade of FX at the end of the semester. Logging into a DE course without active participation is considered non-attending.

Please note that HCC will not disperse financial aid funding for students who have never attended class. Students who receive financial aid but fail to attend class will be reported to the Department of Education and may have to pay back their aid. A grade of FX is treated exactly the same as a grade of F in terms of GPA, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress.

Whether or not IP grades will be given is still under discussion.

Student Assignments

Classroom assignments, discussions, and participation: 100%

Important Dates

HCC Calendar Dates

January 14- First day of class

January 21- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 18- President’s Day

March 11- Spring Break

April 19- Spring Holliday

May5- Last date of instruction

May 12- Semester End

Instructor Requirements:

Policy on Classroom Expectations

Respect your peers. You may encounter ideas different from your own, especially in the forums and essays. You can disagree while remaining respectful. Remember, we are all working through ideas together, and sometimes your ideas will differ from those of your peers. Critical thinking involves tolerating ambiguity and complexity, both in readings and from your peers. Be tolerant and respectful, even when you disagree.

I will be reading all your forum entries. When you write, please remember that other people are reading your writing and your ideas. Inappropriate, rude, demeaning, etc posts will not be tolerated.

In my classroom, you are being trained to behave properly in a business environment. As such, many of the policies you are about to read relate to that overall idea. For example, late or poorly done papers reflect poorly on your performance that would likely lead to you being fired. In my classroom, you can make mistakes, but this will result in poor grades. The upshot is that you can make up grades. Please take this time to quic Presidentkly adapt to the environment and mentality of a professional. This idea is not a “quirk” of Prof. Lee. You’ll find that most college classrooms (especially across HCC) have a similar idea of how you should behave in the classroom. You are an “intern,” who will learn how to properly behave and do their job. If you have any questions, you come to me, the “supervisor,” before they are a problem.

If you email me, please be sure to include your course name in the email and a brief message that includes your name. Without that information, I cannot effectively respond. Please review the guidelines for email communication.

Policy on Grading

There is no rounding up, nor is there a curve. Additionally, there will be no extra credit assignments given. You will receive the grades you have earned in the course.

Any evidence of plagiarism will result in an automatic F for the assignment (first offense) and an F for the course (second offense). See the plagiarism statement below. All work must be original to this course; using essays previously submitted to another course (without prior approval from me) will be treated as plagiarism and will result in a 0 for the assignment. Please note, that I must report evidence of plagiarism to the Dean’s office, and that repeated infractions of this rule may result in your expulsion from the college.

I will always comment on drafts of assignments if you ask me to. Drafts of assignments emailed to me by 48 hours before the due date will receive pre-grading feedback. Any drafts must be sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word, and the email should state what, exactly, you want me to look for. I will not edit drafts; I will only provide commentary and suggestions. Be sure the draft is as complete as possible, as I will only give feedback once per essay. NOTE: Though you do submit rough drafts via, I do not comment on them. I only comment on rough drafts sent via email.

I will not send grades through email. If you want to know where you stand at any given point in the semester, see the grading guidelines below. Keep up with your own grades via Canvas.

No late daily work will be accepted without prior approval.

Policy on Essays and Essay Submission

Complete all assignments. All major assignments (rough and final drafts) must be completed to pass the course.

Submit all essays through See the information on Canvas (the Start Here Module) for details on how to register.

Save your confirmation emails. If you do not receive a confirmation email from, your paper has not been uploaded. If for some reason your paper doesn’t load, you’ll need that email to prove you submitted your essay.

I will grade the essay you submit, so make sure that you submit the correct draft. I will not regrade an essay after the due date if you submit the wrong draft.

Submit your work on time. Late essay rough drafts will be penalized 10 points. Late essay final drafts will be penalized 10 points per day for three calendar days. After that, you will receive a 0 on the assignment.

Submit rough drafts of all essays. Final essays submitted without the rough draft will not be graded (resulting in your failure to pass the class).

Follow MLA manuscript guidelines for all formal essays.

Meet the length requirements (minimum and maximum) posted for all essays. Essays not meeting length requirements will be penalized 10 points for rough drafts and 10 points for final drafts.

Save your essays in more than one place. If your computer crashes, you lose your flash drive, a hurricane hits your house, etc., you are still responsible for all due dates. Submit early when possible.

Recover half of the points for missed peer review by taking your essay to the writing center or submitting your essay to for feedback. Either one must be done before the final due date of the essay, and you must bring me evidence of the feedback.

Standard deductions

-10: late rough draft

-10: rough draft not meeting length requirement

-10: failure to peer review

-10: late final draft PER DAY for three days

-10: final draft not meeting length requirement

-10: no evidence of revision

-5: incorrect format

-10: per source missing from final essay (for essays requiring sources)

-5: per internal required citations missing from final essay (for essays requiring sources)

One exception: One time during the course of the semester, you may either rewrite an essay for a higher grade or submit an essay late (up to three days) without penalty. This does not apply to any work except essays.

Rewrites: The new grade replaces the old grade (unless the new grade is lower). You do not have to completely write a new essay; instead, you can revise the essay you originally submitted. In order to be eligible for a rewrite, you must have submitted the rough and final drafts on time, you must have completed peer review, and your essay must have met the length requirements on both the rough and final drafts. You will have one week from the date the grades are posted to complete the rewrite, which will be due to my email as a .doc or .docx attachment. I will not accept any rewrites not submitted by the one-week deadline. The one exception is the last essay of the semester, as you will not have time to rewrite it before grades are due. NOTE: You may not rewrite an essay that was plagiarized.

Extensions: To be granted an extension, you must let me know via email before the due date of the essay for which you need the extension. Extensions are good for three days; after that three days, regular late penalties will apply. Extensions do not apply to homework / journals. I reserve the right to refuse an extension.

Policy on Attendance

There are no excused absences. You are either absent or present.

You can miss 12.5% (6 hours) of class without penalty. If you miss more than six hours before the drop date, I will drop you from the course. If you miss more than six hours after the drop date, you will receive an FX for the course (see below).

If you arrive more than 20 minutes late or leave more than 20 minutes early, you will be marked absent.

Each day, you will sign in on an attendance roster. If you do not sign in, you are absent. I will not go back later to try and determine if you were in class.

Quizzes missed due to tardiness cannot be made up. Quizzes missed due to absence can be made up for full credit. It is your responsibility to let me know if you need to make up a quiz.

Students who have no recorded attendance before the Census Date (the Official Day of Record) will be automatically dropped from the class by the Registrar. Students dropped for nonattendance will not be reinstated. The Census Date varies according the session. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the exact date for each session.

NOTE: You can find the link to the academic calendar here:



A (90-100%) Excellent work that demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment, has few errors of any kind, and shows exceptional ability to communicate to a specific audience.

B (80-89%) Above average work that shows understanding of the writing topic,

has few serious errors, and provides good communication with a specific audience.

C (70-79%) Average work that shows understanding of the writing topic, contains few errors that interfere with adequate communication.

D (60-69%) Below average work that fails to follow the assignment and/or fails to respond adequately to the writing topic, contains a number of serious errors, and demonstrates only marginal communication with a specific audience.

F (0-59%) Incomplete work, work that fails to follow the assignment, and/or work that fails to respond to the writing topic, contains a number of serious errors, and provides little communication with a specific audience


Student Support Services:

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Student Success for support. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable us to provide any resources that HCC may possess.


Ability Services:

Houston Community College is dedicated to providing an inclusive learning environment by removing barriers and opening access for qualified students with documented disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Ability Services is the designated office responsible for approving and coordinating reasonable accommodations and services in order to assist students with disabilities in reaching their full academic potential. In order to receive reasonable accommodations or evacuation assistance in an emergency, the student must be registered with Ability Services.


If you have a documented disability (e.g. learning, hearing, vision, physical, mental health, or a chronic health condition), that may require accommodations, please contact the appropriate Ability Services Office below. Please note that classroom accommodations cannot be provided prior to your Instructor’s receipt of an accommodation letter and accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations can be requested at any time during the semester, however if an accommodation letter is provided to the Instructor after the first day of class, sufficient time (1 week) must be allotted for the Instructor to implement the accommodations.


Ability Service Contact Information: 

Central College


Coleman College 


Northeast College


Northwest College



Southeast College


Southwest College


Adaptive Equipment/Assistive Technology



Interpreting and CART services



Accommodations due to a Qualified Disability: HCC strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please meet with a campus Abilities Counselor as soon as possible in order to establish reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and Ability Services.  It is the policy and practice of HCC to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. For more information, please go to


Libraries: HCC has a Learning Resource Center at each campus for student use. The library provides electronic resources including an online catalog system as well as numerous databases that contain full-text articles all available at Additionally, many of the required texts are on reserve at the library. Find out library locations and hours here:


Online Tutoring:

The goal of online tutoring is to help students become academically independent through guided assistance by HCC faculty or faculty-eligible tutors in almost all departments. Our tutoring is asynchronous, which means that it is NOT real-time.


Students can get real-time help on campus and through several textbook sources. We believe that when tutors can take time to absorb and analyze the work, we give a different type of help. Because the tutoring is asynchronous, it is important for students to plan ahead. It generally takes about two days to get a complete review back, and it may be longer than that when hundreds of papers come in every day for several days in a row. It is crucial for students to look at the yellow banner on the log-in page to see how long the turn-around time is.


Students can submit work 24/7/365; we tutor even when the college is closed for holidays or natural disasters. All HCC students can take advantage of online tutoring by logging on to  The HCC email address and the associated password get students into the online tutoring site, so when the email password changes, so does the Upswing password.   


Open Computer Labs: Students have free access to the internet and word processing in open computer labs available at HCC campuses. Check on the door of the open computer lab for hours of operation.


Tutoring Centers:

The HCC Tutoring Centers provide academic support to our diverse student population by creating an open atmosphere of learning for all students enrolled at HCC.  Using a variety of tutoring techniques, we assist students across academic disciplines, addressing their individual needs in a constructive, safe, and welcoming environment.  Our emphasis is on maximizing academic potential while promoting student success and retention.  We are committed to helping students achieve their educational, personal, and career goals by empowering them to become confident, independent, lifelong learners.


Tutoring for individual subjects is offered at specific times throughout the week on various campuses.  There is no need to make an appointment.  If you need a tutor, please refer to our website: for times and locations. For more information about tutoring at HCC, please go to


Important HCCS and Course Policies:

Please see for any changes to HCC policies that might happen during the semester.


Academic Honesty: A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students.  The instructor is responsible for measuring each student’s individual achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field.  Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcing roles.  You are expected to be familiar with the HCC’s policy on Academic Honesty found in the catalogue.  What that means is that if you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. 


Just so there is no misunderstanding, plagiarism (using another's ideas or words without giving credit), collusion (unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit), and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated. To be accepted, all papers require proof of their development. Students who plagiarize, collude, or cheat may face disciplinary action including the grade of 0 for the assignment, an F for the course, and/or dismissal from the college.  (See Student Handbook)


Attendance: Attendance, preparedness, and participation are essential for your success in this course. HCC does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences. If you are not in class, you are absent. HCC Policy states that you can miss up to but not exceeding 12.5% of class hours, which is equivalent to 6 hours. When you miss class, you are still responsible for what happens in class. Keep in mind that whatever the reason for your absence, you will still miss important course work. If you know you must be absent or if you have an emergency, let me know before class and make plans to meet with me in office hours. If you have more than four (4) absences before the official date of record (04/01/2019), you may be automatically withdrawn from the course.


Campus Carry: At HCC the safety of our students, staff, and faculty is our first priority. As of August 1, 2017, Houston Community College is subject to the Campus Carry Law (SB11 2015). For more information, visit the HCC Campus Carry web page at



Campus Safety: If you are on campus and need emergency assistance, call 713-718-8888 or, from any campus phone, 8-8888. Use this emergency number instead of 911, which gets routed back to the HCC Police Department dispatch thus lengthening response time to your emergency situation.


EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System): At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the term, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Go to for directions.


Final Grade of FX: Students who stop attending class or stop actively participating in class and do not withdraw themselves prior to the withdrawal deadline may either be dropped by their professor for excessive absences or be assigned the final grade of FX at the end of the semester. Students who stop attending classes or who stop actively participating in classes will receive a grade of FX, as compared to an earned grade of F, which is due to poor performance. Logging into a DE course without active participation is considered non-attending.


Please note that HCC will not disperse financial aid funding for students who have never attended class. Students who receive financial aid but fail to attend class will be reported to the Department of Education and may have to pay back their aid. A grade of FX is treated exactly the same as a grade of F in terms of GPA, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress.


HCC Online: Access HCC Online Policies on their Web site:


All students are responsible for reading and understanding the HCC Online Student Handbook, which contains policies, information about conduct, and other important information. For the HCC Online Student Handbook click on the link below or go to the HCC Online page on the HCC website. The HCC Online Student Handbook contains policies and procedures unique to the online student. Students should have reviewed the handbook as part of the mandatory orientation. It is the student's

responsibility to be familiar with the handbook's contents. The handbook contains valuable information, answers, and resources, such as HCC Online contacts, policies and procedures (how to drop, attendance requirements, etc.), student services (ADA, financial aid, degree planning, etc.), course information, testing procedures, technical support, and academic calendars. Refer to the HCC Online

Student Handbook by visiting this link:


International Students: Receiving a W in a course may affect the status of your student Visa. Once a W is given for the course, it will not be changed to an F because of the visa consideration. Since January 1, 2003, International Students are restricted in the number of distance education courses that they may take during each semester. International students must have full-time enrollment status of 12 or more semester credit hours, and of these at least 9 semester credit hours must be face-to-face on-campus courses. Please contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8521 or email [email protected], if you have any questions about your visa status and other transfer issues.


Repeating Courses: Students who repeat a course for three or more times will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor or counselor/advisor about opportunities for tutoring and/or other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades.


Sexual Misconduct: Houston Community College is committed to cultivating an environment free from inappropriate conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature including sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. Sex discrimination includes all forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct and violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity. The director of EEO/Compliance is designated as the Title IX Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator. All inquiries concerning HCC policies, compliance with applicable laws, statutes, and regulations (such as Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504) and complaints may be directed to: David Cross, Director EEO/Compliance, Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, 3100 Main, Houston, TX 77266-7517, or [email protected].


Title IX Discrimination: Houston Community College is committed to cultivating an environment free from inappropriate conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature including sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.  Sex discrimination includes all forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct and violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity.  Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex-including pregnancy and parental status-in educational programs and activities.  If you require an accommodation due to pregnancy please contact an Abilities Services Counselor.  The Director of EEO/Compliance is designated as the Title IX Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator. 


All inquiries concerning HCC policies, compliance with applicable laws, statutes, and regulations (such as Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504), and complaints may be directed to: 

David Cross

Director EEO/Compliance

Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity

3100 Main

(713) 718-8271

Houston, TX 77266-7517 or Houston, TX 77266-7517 or [email protected]


Withdrawal Policy: Before withdrawing from the course, it is important to communicate with your professor and counselors to discuss your options for succeeding in the course. If all other options have been exhausted, you may withdraw yourself, but the last date to withdraw this semester is April 1st 2019. Please remember that it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course. If you stop attending the class and don’t withdraw by this date, you are subject to the FX grading policy.


SLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.

  • Peer review
  • Group presentations
  • In-class writing workshops
  • Lessons on outlining / generating ideas / brainstorming
  • Using in-person and online HCC resources (the Writing Center, Upswing)
  • Computer literacy activities
  • Group essays
  • In-class group work (think / pair / share, etc)
  • Library orientations
  • Low-stakes daily writing (reflective writing, journal writing, etc)
  • Activities that teach writing as a process


SLO 2: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution

  • Lessons on paragraph structure
  • Identifying supporting details
  • Unpacking quotes
  • Using different structure for organization
  • Practice in paraphrasing, quoting, summarizing
  • Developing appropriate, college-level thesis statements
  • Introducing a source
  • Showing attribution for a source
  • Reporting verbs (verbs in a signal phrase)
  • Research strategies


SLO 3: Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose

  • Strategies to determine tone
  • Audience exercises
  • Unpacking / previewing an assignment
  • Identifying text patterns
  • Research strategies
  • Deductive / inductive reading / reasoning


SLO 4: Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts

  • Annotating a text
  • Capture reading strategies
  • Annotated bibliographies
  • Essay analysis
  • Distinguishing fact from opinion
  • Journal response to texts
  • Inferential reading
  • Creating a reverse outline
  • Reading galleries
  • Literature circles
  • Vocabulary in context
  • Distinguishing tone
  • Rhetorical occasion / tone
  • Research strategies


SLO 5: Use Edited American English in academic essays

  • Research format and documentation
  • Editing exercises
  • No Red Ink
  • Sample essays
  • Peer review
  • Direct teach punctuation / grammar
  • Purdue OWL or similar sites
  • Rhetorical grammar
  • McGuire Readability Approach / 5 rules for readability




Course Information

A syllabus hasn't been posted for this course yet.