Chapter 3 Study Guide

Study guide questions to accompany "This Business of Artist Management", 4th Edition by Frascogna and Hetherington






Developed by Dr. Aubrey Tucker to accompany This Business of Artist Management, 4th Ed,

by Xavier M. Frascogna and H. Lee Hetherington



  1. ______ The key to constructive self-appraisal is honesty.


2.______The talent necessary to make a career happen can be described as simply being “it”.


3.______ Your competition is whoever is currently on the charts.


4.______ If you’re talented, work hard and “pay your dues”,  it will always pay off


5.______A would-be artist and her manager need to ask themselves four basic questions: “ Do I have the talent, desire, belief in myself, and financial backing to succeed”?


6._____ Belief is the intangible quality that separates stars from talents


7._____The manager must play a strong role in controlling the commitment of the artist.


8.____ Regardless of her talents, the artist needs to employ management principles to develop her talent and realize her goals


9._____Self- management is often the most suitable alternative for a new artist who is in the “break-in” phase of his career


10.  __ _ Limited management would not be a suitable roll for an accountant


11.  ____ Self- management can be a problem if the artist lacks suitable contacts in the music business.


12.  ____ Total management is when a person other than the artist is retained to perform certain specific management services.


13.  ____ Self- management is preferable to the other management options because the artist isn’t required to pay a commission.





MUSB 2345 Ch. 3 SG p.2


Essay/ Outline


I.                   Before seriously committing to a career as an artist, it is essential that the would-be artist and his/her manager to ask for questions. What are they?

II.                What three statements on talent do the authors have to give?

III.              What are the 3 management alternatives available to an artist?

IV.              What are three disadvantages to self-management?

V.                What is “limited self-management”? Name 4 examples

VI.             What is total management? How is she/he often referred as?


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