Oral Report Format

Instructions for preparing and presenting the Music Business Semester Oral Report with handout(s): MUSIC BUSINESS PROGRAM MUSIC BUSINESS ORAL REPORT FORMAT- FOR ALL MUSIC BUSINESS CLASSES Oral Report with Outline, three T/F test questions and at least 6 sources cited Grading Weight: 15% of your final average Due at midterm, for Quiz Grade: a one page summary of your topic (title), a brief descriptive paragraph of the scope of your report and at least 6 specific sources that you will use; books, articles, online information, personal interviews, etc. Your Oral Report is usually presented during the last two weeks of class before the final exam I. Time: 10 to 15 minutes II. Topic: any topic that interests you and can be related to the scope of this course. It should be specific and presentable in the time allotted; avoid too broad a topic. Topical research in the Houston area is encouraged, such as interviews with successful people in the field of your topic III. Handout: a one page (or more) handout which includes an outline of your presentation, which of course you should follow. Include 3 T/F test questions with answers based on key points of your presentation. Student Oral Report questions will be included in the course final exam. Also include 6 or more sources in a bibliography; to be used in your report. Bring a handout copy for each classmate and your instructor (20 points) IV. Presentation: as a lecture to the class. May be written out and read if you prefer. Uses of multimedia, powerpoint, internet links, etc., and items to pass around the class are encouraged V. Practice with your outline for presentation and timing. Present you report to family and friends. Also practice in front of a mirror to observe your appearance. Practice with any technology to use it smoothly and confidently. Most HCC computer consoles are set up to run data from USB flash drives. Check with your instructor. Dress professionally for your presentation. HAVE FUN!

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