Human Anatomy And Physiology II (BIOLOGY 2420)

Instructor: Dr. Beverly Perry


Houston Community College


(Biol. 2420). 8-week Course

IN-Person LABS Required

Instructor: Dr. Perry



Kathleen Park Talaro. 2006.  Microbiology (9 edition). Wm. C. Brown

Publishers/ McGraw Hill. (Use any recent edition)

Lab Manual: A Laboratory Manual: Microbiology HCCS


NOTE: Textbook ,Lab attendance and Lab Manual are both required

Test Dates: every other Thursday. Test 1&2 will be in person. All others can be taken online.

Extra Credit Reports:  10 points on your lowest grade for a 10 minute coverage of assigned topics.

They must be presented to the class at the beginning of the lab periods.

Then ,if asked , we will do textbook chapter presentations by groups of 3.

HCC: the HCC SPLOs will be handed out during Orientation.

Hints for

Success : Read all of the assigned chapters as early as possible.

Outline all chapters for understanding.

Review your notes often for the exams. This increases your passing rate and grade.

Class Rules 1. Email me at [email protected] as soon as you have read these instructions,

so that I will have your correct email  address and an alternate way of communication.

Tell me about yourself, your goals and anything else that you want me to know.

2. Put your cell phone on vibrate before entering the room.

No cell phones may sound in my class. I will take off 10 points from your lecture exam grade every time

that this happens.

3. No gum chewing in class.

4. Do not disturb or interrupt the instructor during class for any reason.

5. Raise your hand to be recognized and wait until you have permission to talk.

6. You are always free to go to the restroom during lab time.

7. You must place ALL lab items back into the cabinets and clean up. When you finish, you may leave.

8. Any absence should be discussed with the instructor.

9.  I also prefer this email address to the class email. I read this one several times a day.

10. I also prefer that you call me with your concerns at 713-718-8048. Leave a brief message.


Take the chapter exams only when you are supposed to have access and are ready.
Lecture coverage is done by self-study utilizing online

course resources along with the textbook are allowed.

Do not open the lecture exams until it is time for you to take it

because the clock starts on the test and you cannot re-enter it.

Timed exams can only be attempted once.  No exceptions orredos allowed.
Once you have opened an exam, you cannot leave it or go overthe allotted time.
No second chances at tests will be given. F will be given for that test.
Students who miss 2 labs for any reason are automatically dropped from the course.
Students who miss any exam are automatically dropped from the course.


CLASS ACTIVITIES/ SYLLABUS (Textbook Chapters are in bold print )

1 The Main Themes of Microbiology

ORIENTATION TO LAB and Distance Education

3Tools of the Laboratory: Methods for Studying

Microorganisms (continued)

4Prokaryotic Profiles: The Bacteria and Archaea

Lab. Exercise 1: Care and Use of the Microscope

Lab. Exercise 2:  Smear Preparation, Simple Staining and Bacterial Morphology

Lab. Exercise 3: Negative Staining Method

5Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms

6An Introduction to the Viruses

Lab. Exercise 4: Isolation of Bacteria

Lab. Exercise 5   Gram Staining

Lab. Exercise 6:  Acid-fast Staining


First Lecture Exam (Chapters 1, 3, 4)


Lab. Exercise 7:  Bacterial Endospores

Lab. Exercise 8:  Bacterial Capsules

Lab. Exercise 9:  Bacterial Flagella and Motility Testing

7         Elements of Microbial Nutrition, Ecology, and Growth

9Microbial Genetics

Lab. Exercise 10:  Selective, Differential and Enriched Media

Lab. Exercise 11:  Gas Requirements for the Growth of Bacteria

Lab. Exercise 12: Counting Bacteria in Milk using the Pour Plate Method

Lab. Exercise 13:  Effects of Heat

Second Lecture Exam (Chapters 5, 6, 7,9)

Lab Exercise   14: Effects of Chemicals

Lab. Exercise 15: Carbohydrate Fermentation by Bacteria 1

Lab. Exercise 16: Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Fermentation

Lab. Exercise 17:  The IMViC Biochemical Tests

10        Genetic Engineering: A Revolution in Molecular Biology

11       Physical and Chemical Control of Microbes

12   Drugs, Microbes, Host----The Elements of Chemotherapy

Lab. Exercise 18:    Rapid and Miniaturized Methods of Identification

Of Bacteria

Lab. Exercise 19:   Bacteriophages

Lab. Exercise 20: Immune System: White Blood Cells

Lab. Exercise 21: Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing: Kirby-Bauer Method

Midterm Lab Exam. (Tentative)

13      Microbe----Human Interactions: Infection and Disease

14The Nature of Host Defenses

15      The Acquisition of Specific Immunity and Its Applications

Lab17-21   View lab results and complete reports

Third Lecture Exam (10, 11, 12, 13)

16Immunization and Immune Assays

17Disorders in Immunity

Lab Final Exam   (Turn in manuals. I only return them upon written request)


Lecture Final Exam (Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17)

NOTE: This is a tentative schedule and subject to modification.

You will be notified by email and reminded in lab of such changes.


I am honored to have you in my class.  Call me at 713-718-8048 for any issues. Use my preferred email address.


Course Information

A syllabus hasn't been posted for this course yet.