History 1302 E-Reader Primary and Secondary List For Chapters

Table of Contents for

American Perspectives: Readings in American History, Volume II (since 1877), 6th Edition



Chapter One: Industrial America and Labor Unrest in Post-Civil War America


            The Railroad Strike

            The Crime of Poverty

            Address of August Spies

            Red-Handed Murder: Negroes Wantonly Killed at Thibodaux, LA

            The Homestead Strike

            Coeur d’Alene

            The Chinese Exclusion Act

            Congress Takes Aim at the “Chinese Menace”

            The Pullman Strike

            The History of the Standard Oil Company: The Oil War of 1872

            Urban Pollution—Many Long Years Ago



Chapter Two: The African Experience in Post-Civil War America


            A Crop Lien

            A Sharecropping Contact

            The Testimony of Benjamin Singleton

            The Horrors of Lynching in the South

            Rebecca Latimer Felton Endorses Prohibition

            The Atlanta Exposition Address

  1. E. B. Du Bois Denounces Booker T. Washington’s Accommodationist Policies

            The Literacy Test and the Poll Tax



Chapter Three: The Native American Experience in Post-Civil War America


            A Letter from Governor Edmund Ross of New Mexico to President Grover Cleveland

            The Dawes Act of 1887

            Wovoka’s Message: The Promise of the Ghost Dance

            An Account of Sitting Bull’s Death

            Social Conflict in the American West



Chapter Four: The Farmers’ Revolt


            Farmers Describe the Crisis

            The Ocala Platform: Proceedings of the Supreme Council of the National Farmers’ Alliance and

                        Industrial Union

            Two Speeches by Mary Elizabeth Lease

            Their Own Hotheadedness: Senator Benjamin R. “Pitchfork Ben” Tillman Justifies Violence

                        against Southern Blacks

            Tom Watson’s Strategy

            A Populist Speaker Responds

            The Omaha Platform of the People’s Party of America

            The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Excerpts)


Chapter Five: The Progressive Reaction against Industrialization


            How the Other Half Lives (Excerpts)

            The Treason of the Senate

            The Great American Fraud

            The Jungle (Excerpts)

            The Galveston Hurricane

            The Baltimore Fire

            The San Francisco Earthquake

            The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

            Disasters and Progressive Reform

            Ratified and Unratified Progressive Era Amendments to the United States Constitution



Chapter Six: The Emergence of an American Empire


            Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States

            Letter of Protest from Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii to the House of Representatives about the

                        Annexation of Hawaii

            The Teller Amendment

            The Platt Amendment

            Albert Beveridge Defends U.S. Imperialism

            Mark Twain Comments on the Moro Massacre

            Theodore Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

            War is a Racket

            Irresistible Force, Immovable Object: U.S.-Japanese Relations in the Late 19th Century

            Big Stick Abroad



Chapter Seven: Social and Political Change during World War I and the 1920s



            The Steel Strike

            The Herrin Massacre

            Revolution in Texas

            The Fourteen Points

            When Johnny Comes Marching Home

            From Bibles to Drill Bits: The U.S. and Middle East in the 1920s

            Address to the Jury in the United States v. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman

            Bartolomeo Vanzetti’s Speech to the Court

            The Reverend Amzi Clarence Dixon on the Evils of Evolution

            Clarence Darrow’s Opening Remarks at the Scopes Trial

            Organizing 100% Women: Women in the Ku Klux Klan

            The 18th and 19th Amendments to the United States Constitution


Chapter Eight: “We Have Nothing to Fear by Fear Itself”: America during the Great Depression


            Every Man a King

            A Third Party

            Great Depression and New Deal Era Amendments to the United States Constitution

            The Bonus Army Invades Washington

            “The President Wants You to Organize!”

            The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde

Chapter Eight: “We Have Nothing to Fear by Fear Itself”: America during the Great Depression



The Birth of the Ultraconservatives: The Impact of Texas Oil Money on National Politics

            The Origins of the Good Neighbor Policy: The Quest for Order in Latin America



Chapter Nine: A War to be Won: The Second World War


            The Atlantic Charter

            Battleship Commander

            Executive Order 9066: The Relocation of Japanese-Americans during World War II

            The Detroit Race Riot

            The Zoot-Suit Riot

            D-Day: General Eisenhower’s Order of the Day—June 6, 1944

            Germany’s Formula for War: Hitler’s Quest for Oil during World War II

            Mauthausen: The American Liberation of a German Concentration Camp

            The Pacific War: The Japanese Perspective of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

            Hiroshima in America: Justifying the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki



Chapter Ten: McCarthyism and Post-World War II America


            President Harry S. Truman’s Address before a Joint Session of Congress: The Truman Doctrine


            A Good Way to Pick a Fight

            Joseph McCarthy’s “Enemies Within” Speech

            Senate Resolution 301: The Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy

            An Unread Statement before the House Committee on Un-American Activities

            “Good Evening, Mr. Roosevelt”: Kermit Roosevelt and the Overthrow of Muhammad

                        Mossedegh’s Government in Iran

            The GI Bill of Rights



Chapter Eleven: The Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement


            The Southern Manifesto

            President Eisenhower’s Speech to the American People on Little Rock, Arkansas

            The Murder of Medgar Evers

            Letter from a Birmingham Jail

            The Testimony of Fannie Lou Hamer

            Cold War and Civil Rights Era Amendments to the United States Constitution

            Interracial Marriage on Trial: Loving v. Virginia

            Coming of Age in Mississippi (Excerpt)

            Fast and Furious: The Origins of NASCAR



Chapter Twelve: Years of Discord: The 1960s and 1970s


            The Ballot or the Bullet

            The Murder of Malcolm X

            The Feminine Mystique: The Problem that Has No Name

            SNCC Position Paper: Women in the Civil Rights Movement

Chapter Twelve: Years of Discord: The 1960s and 1970s (cont.)


“The Negro Family: A Case for National Action”: The Daniel P. Moynihan Report

            The Watts Riot

            The Detroit Riot

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

            “They were Butchering People”: An Eyewitness Account of the My Lai Massacre

            The Legacy of Vietnam

            Hernandez v. Texas and the Exclusion of Mexican-Americans from Grand Juries

            The Trail of Broken Treaties: The American Indian Movement’s Occupation of the U.S. Bureau

 of Indian Affairs

            Stonewall: The Beginning of the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States

            Ratified and Unratified Amendments to the United States Constitution from the 1970s

            Transcripts from the Watergate Tapes

            The Camp David Accords

            The Crisis of Confidence Speech



Chapter Thirteen: Reagan, Bush, and Beyond


            The Lewis Powell Memorandum to the United States Chamber of Commerce

            Ronald Reagan’s “Evil Empire” Speech

            The Boland Amendment and the “Boland II” Amendment: The Origins of the Iran-Contra


            Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater to William “Bill” Casey: More on the Origins of the Iran-

                        Contra Scandal

            Post-Cold War Amendments to the United States Constitution

            Out of Gas

            “We Have Some Planes,” Inside the Four Hijacked Flights on September 11, 2001: Excerpts from

                        the 9/11 Commission Report

            Planet Pakistan

            The Unocal Affair






















Chronological Table of Contents Separating Primary Sources from Secondary Works

American Perspectives: Readings in American History, Volume II (since 1877), 6th Edition




Primary Sources

Secondary Works




Chapter One

The Railroad Strike

The Crime of Poverty

Address of August Spies

Red-Handed Murder

The Homestead Strike

Coeur d’Alene

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Congress Takes Aim at the Chinese Menace

The Pullman Strike

The History of the Standard Oil


Urban Pollution—Many Long Years


Chapter Two

A Crop Lien

A Sharecropping Contract

The Testimony of Benjamin Singleton

The Horrors of Lynching in the South

Rebecca Latimer Felton Endorses


The Atlanta Exposition Address

Du Bois Denounces Accommodation

The Literacy Test and Poll Tax


Chapter Three

Letter from Gov. Ross to Grover Cleveland

The Dawes Act of 1887

Wovoka’s Message

An Account of Sitting Bull’s Death

Social Conflict in the American West

Chapter Four

Farmers Describe the Crisis

The Ocala Platform

Two Speeches by Mary Elizabeth Lease

Their Own Hotheadedness

Tom Watson’s Strategy

A Populist Speaker Responds

The Omaha Platform

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Excerpts)


Chapter Five

How the Other Half Lives (Excerpts)

The Treason of the Senate

The Great American Fraud

The Jungle (Excerpts)

The Galveston Hurricane

The Baltimore Fire

The San Francisco Earthquake

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Progressive Era Amendments

Meat Inspection: Theory and Reality

Disasters and Progressive Reform

Chapter Six

Joint Resolution on Annexing Hawaii

Queen Lil’s Response

The Teller Amendment

The Platt Amendment

Albert Beveridge Defends U.S. Imperialism

Comments on the Moro Massacre

The T. Roosevelt Corollary

War is a Racket

Irresistible Force, Immovable Object

Big Stick Abroad

Chapter Seven


The Steel Strike

The Herrin Massacre

The Fourteen Points

Emma Goldman’s Address to the Jury

Vanzetti’s Speech to the Court

Rev. Dixon on Evils of Evolution

Darrow’s Opening Remarks/Scopes Trial

18th and 19th Amendments

Revolution in Texas

When Johnny Comes Marching Home

From Bibles to Drill Bits

Organizing 100% Women

Chapter Eight

Every Man a King

A Third Party

Amendments of Depression/New Deal Era

The Bonus Army Invades Washington

The President wants You to Organize

The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde

The Birth of the Ultraconservatives

Origins of the Good Neighbor Policy

Chapter Nine

The Atlantic Charter

Executive Order 9066

The Detroit Race Riot

The Zoot-Suit Riot

Eisenhower’s Order of the Day: D-Day

Battleship Commander

Germany’s Formula for War


The Pacific War

Hiroshima in America (Excerpts)

Chapter Ten

The Truman Doctrine


McCarthy’s “Enemies Within” Speech

Senate Resolution 301

Unread Statement before HUAC

A Good Way to Pick a Fight

“Good Evening, Mr. Roosevelt”

The GI Bill of Rights

Chapter Eleven

The Southern Manifesto

Eisenhower’s Speech on Little Rock, AR

The Murder of Medgar Evers

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Testimony of Fannie Lou Hamer

Cold War/Civil Rights Era Amendments

Coming of Age in Mississippi (Excerpt)

Interracial Marriage on Trial

Fast and Furious

Chapter Twelve

The Ballot or the Bullet

The Murder of Malcolm X

The Problem that Has No Name

Women in the Civil Rights Movement

The Negro Family/Moynihan Report

The Watts Riot

The Detroit Riot

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

They Were Butchering People

The Trail of Broken Treaties

Amendments from the 1970s

Transcripts from the Watergate Tapes

The Camp David Accords

The Crisis of Confidence Speech

The Legacy of Vietnam

Hernandez v. Texas


Chapter Thirteen

The Lewis Powell Memorandum

Reagan’s “Evil Empire” Speech

The Boland Amendment and Boland II

Letter: Goldwater to Casey

Post-Cold War Amendments

“We Have Some Planes”

Out of Gas

Planet Pakistan

The Unocal Affair


Table of Contents Separating Primary Sources from Secondary Works by Topical Areas

American Perspectives: Readings in American History, Volume II (since 1877), 6th Edition




Topical Area


Primary Sources

Secondary Works





Political and Economic History

Chap. 01

The Crime of Poverty

History of Standard Oil

Urban Pollution


Chap. 02

A Crop Lien

A Sharecropping Contract



Chap. 04

Farmers Describe the Crisis

The Ocala Platform

Two Speeches/Mary E. Lease

Tom Watson’s Strategy

A Populist Leader Responds

The Omaha Platform

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz



Chap. 5

How the Other Half Lives

The Treason of the Senate

The Great American Fraud

Progressive Era Amendments

Meat Inspection: Theory and



Chap. 7

The 18th and 19th Amendments

From Bibles to Drill Bits


Chap. 8

Every Man a King

A Third Party

Depression/New Deal


The Bonus Army Invades


The Birth of the Ultraconservatives


Chap. 10

“Enemies Within” Speech

Senate Resolution 301

Unread Statement/HUAC

The GI Bill of Rights


Chap. 12

Amendments from 1970s

Transcripts/Watergate Tapes

Crisis of Confidence Speech



Chap. 13

Lewis Powell Memo

Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech

Boland Amendments

Goldwater/Casey Letter

Post-Cold War Amendments

9/11 Commission Report

Out of Gas

The Unocal Affair





Diplomatic/Military History

Chap. 06

Joint Resolution on Annexing


Queen Lil’s Response

The Teller Amendment

The Platt Amendment

Albert Beveridge Defends U.S. Imperialism

Comments on the Moro


The T. Roosevelt Corollary

War is a Racket

Irresistible Force, Immovable


Big Stick Abroad


Chap. 07


When Johnny Comes Marching




Chap. 08


Origins/Good Neighbor Policy


Chap. 09

The Atlantic Charter

Executive Order 9066

The Detroit Race Riot

The Zoot-Suit Riot

Eisenhower’s Order of the Day:


Battleship Commander

Germany’s Formula for War


The Pacific War

Hiroshima in America (Excerpts)


Chap. 10

The Truman Doctrine


A Good Way to Pick a Fight

“Good Evening, Mr. Roosevelt”


Chap. 11

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

They Were Butchering People

The Camp David Accords

The Legacy of Vietnam


Chap. 13


Planet Pakistan





Labor History

Chap. 01

The Railroad Strike

The Homestead Strike

Coeur d’Alene

The Pullman Strike



Chap. 07


The Steel Strike

The Herrin Massacre



Chap. 08


The President wants You to






Social/Cultural History

Chap. 05

The Galveston Hurricane

The Baltimore Fire

The San Francisco Earthquake

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory


Disasters and Progressive Reform


Chap. 07

Rev. Dixon on Evils of


Darrow’s Opening

      Remarks/Scopes Trial

18th and 19th Amendments

Organizing 100% Women


Chap. 08


The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde


Chap. 11


Fast and Furious





Civil Rights and Race Relations

Chap. 01

Red-Handed Murder



Chap. 02

A Crop Lien

A Sharecropping Contract

The Testimony of Benjamin


The Horrors of Lynching in the


Rebecca Latimer Felton

        Endorses Prohibition

The Atlanta Exposition


Du Bois Denounces


The Literacy Test and Poll Tax



Chap. 04

Their Own Hotheadedness

Tom Watson’s Strategy



Chap. 07


Organizing 100% Women


Chap. 09

The Detroit Race Riot



Chap. 11

The Southern Manifesto

Eisenhower’s Speech on Little

          Rock, AR

The Murder of Medgar Evers

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Testimony of Fannie Lou


Coming of Age in Mississippi




Chap. 12

The Ballot or the Bullet

The Murder of Malcolm X

Women in the Civil Rights


The Negro Family/Moynihan


The Watts Riot

The Detroit Riot

Hernandez v. Texas






Women’s History

Chap. 01


The History of the Standard Oil



Chap. 02

Rebecca Latimer Felton

        Endorses Prohibition



Chap. 04

Two Speeches by Mary

        Elizabeth Lease




Emma Goldman’s Address to

        the Jury

18th and 19th Amendments

Organizing 100% Women


Chap. 08


The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde


Chap. 11

Testimony of Fannie Lou


Coming of Age in Mississippi


Interracial Marriage on Trial



Chap. 12

The Problem that Has No


Women in the Civil Rights


The Negro Family/Moynihan







Native Americans

Chap. 03

Letter from Gov. Ross to

           Grover Cleveland

The Dawes Act of 1887

Wovoka’s Message

An Account of Sitting Bull’s


Social Conflict in the American



Chap. 12

The Trail of Broken Treaties






Hispanic/Latino History

Chap. 03


Social Conflict in the American



Chap. 07


Revolution in Texas


Chap. 09

The Zoot-Suit Riot



Chap. 12


Hernandez v. Texas





Immigration Issues

Chap. 01

Address of August Spies

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Congress Takes Aim at the

       Chinese Menace



Chap. 07

Emma Goldman’s Address to

       the Jury

Vanzetti’s Speech to the Court




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