Essay 3: Narrative

ENGL 1301




Essay 3: Autobiographical Narrative



Due Monday May 6


Like all essays in this class, this paper should use 12-point times new roman font and default page margins.  It should be double-spaced.


Required length: Minimum 3 pages, Maximum 8 pages

Write a narrative essay about a significant event or period from your life using the literary strategies of plot, character and setting.  Develop your story by creating tension that moves the story forward and gives it significance.  You can discuss the significance of your story explicitly, perhaps as a revelation, or you can imply it.  Use specific details in your story to help build the tension.


The essay will be an open-form piece and will not require a thesis statement that forecasts the body of the essay.  However, you are expected to unify your paper through the tension of the narrative.  The characters, setting, plot developments, dialogue, etc. should all relate to the main idea of your story.



Literary autobiographical elements (characters, plot, setting, structure, organization) 50%


“Thesis” 30%


Style, Mechanics, Format 20%



I will recommend revision for those essays that may be lacking in some of the crucial areas of the narrative in order to improve the grade.  This revision will be available for those who receive a C or lower on the essay.`  This revision will be optional, and will be due one week after the essay is returned to you.  Grades of B (80) or higher will not be revised.


Intellectual Honesty:

All work you submit must be your own. If you consult any sources, whether oral or written, copyrighted or not, you must clearly distinguish between your words and ideas (or line of thought) and theirs at all times.  The university imposes harsh penalties on students violate this policy.