Final Exam, Essay Questions

Write a formal essay (intro, thesis statement, body, conclusion) in answer to ONE of the following.  REMEMBER TO HIGHLIGHT OR UNDERLINE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT, AS IT WILL BE A MAJOR PART OF THE GRADE.


1. DePaulo uses statistics as her primary evidence to support her position.  Do you find this tactic effective? In what ways does it help or hurt Depaulo's argument?


2. Evaluate Depaulo's argument overall.  Does she make an effective and convincing case for her position?  Explain, using specifics from the article.


3. DePaulo claims that a two-parent home does not always provide the most suitable environment for raising a child (See paragraph 15).  How does Depaulo's concept of family compare to your own?  Do you agree with the assertions Depaulo makes in her article? Explain.