Required Audio/Video

Link Developing Brain and Alcohol Developing Brain and Alcohol Link Traumatic Brain Injury Interview with Dianne Rehm Link Deep Brain Stimulation Deep Brain Stimulation Link Mental Health and Houston Media Embed Corporal Punishment Link Unnatural Causes (1 hr documentary) Effect of social stressors in various minorities Link Unnatural Causes Clips of psycho stressors on people of low social economic status and health Link Becoming My Mother's Josephine audio and video about a transgender Vietnam vet Link Homosexuality in Jail Link Gender Roles in FLDS Gender Roles for FLDS Link Oral history of LGBT community from a Senior's POV Link "Are People Born Gay?" A Scientific View Link Death and Parents File Parenting and Punishment audio file Link Living Alone in Middle Age NPR Interview of adults living alone by choice in during middle adulthood stage and how it compares to previous generations Link The Disappearing Male Link Hummingbird Documentary on Domestic Violence in Brazil Link Way behind Weight Documentary about obesity in today's youth Media Embed Mail Order Brides from the Phillipines Media Embed Suicide Link Intersection of Medicine and Religion Link The messy truth about victim compensation Link Poisoned, ignored and evicted: The perils of living with lead Link Trapped and Abused in Private Care Link Reporting Sexual Assault Online and Ethics Link What is so special about the human brain? | Suzana Herculano-Houzel Link How Adult Survivors Of Childhood Trauma Forge Their Own Paths To Recovery Link Can't Stop Eating (Prader Willie) Documentary on Prader Willi patients Link The Disappearing Male Documentary on the amount of medical disorders that are overwhemling in the male population affecting reproduction. To be used in the Development Chapter Media Embed My Sex and I Documentary about gender ambiguity due to genetic abnormality (XXX, XXY, XYY,XXYY, etc) Link Death and Dying in the Hindi Culture Audio on death and dying from the author's father Link Death and Dying: A growing movement in America for alternative means of death options A mortician's attempt for a new movement for death options "Order of the New Death" Link Heart Disease: No longer a man's disease Media Embed Taboo: Mating Media Embed Middle of Sexes HBO documentary on third gender Media Embed Army of God documentary featuring a university that teaches evangelical dogma as they mold the next generation of politicians Media Embed Debate over "Death and Dying" Audio file from Dianne Rehm show on NPR covering new issues physician assisted suicide Media Embed Debate over "Death and Dying" Audio file from Dianne Rehm show on NPR covering new issues physician assisted suicide Media Embed Google Baby Documentary of the usage of poor Indian women as surrogates for couples wanting children. Media Embed Commercial Surrogacy Exploiting Women of the Developing World Media Embed Exposing Mexico's Surrogacy Scheme File Night Camp for Patients with Dementia File Night Camp for Patients with Dementia Media Embed People with invisible disabilities fight for understanding How people with disabilities that are not visibly present have problems with protection in all areas including job opportunities Media Embed Supporting a spouse with Alzheimer's "I don't get angry anymore" Interview with spouse that is taking care of partner with early onset Alzheimers Media Embed Speed Dating for Seniors Media Embed A Mother Comes to Terms with her Transgendered Child We will discuss this in class. Keep in mind the stages of Erickson's stages of development as it pertains to both the child and the mother in the interview. Media Embed Richard Glatzer Passes Short audio on the life of Glatzer diagnosed with ALS working in collaboration on a film with another director with Alzheimer's Disease. Richard Glatzer is an proponent of physician assisted suicide and wrote extensively about the topic in his literature Media Embed Captain Kirk vs Spock (Brain Development) Audio file about brain development using star trek characters as examples to understand how the brain develops in adolescents from ages 12 to 25 Media Embed The Long Road "Single, Free, Mellow" Short audio of an author that writing about experiences in raising children. Link Why are white women dying at a higher rate than in the past? Short audio interview about recent research into stressors and death Media Embed Children of Darkess Children with cognitive and developmentally challenged in instituitions Media Embed Death Planning in Hawaii NPR interview on how Hawaii has developed a program addressing death options to decrease dying in hospitals. Media Embed Drugs and Mental Health Video based on article in Houston Press with professor Link "Becoming Nicole" Recounts a Family Acceptance of their Transgender Child Story of a set of male twins where one identifies as transgender and follows the story of the family Link Options for death planning Link Link between PTSD in Veterans and Domestic Violence Link Child's Play How development of children has changed since the pioneer days and children were not allowed to play which is integral to the development process. Listen to audio link Link Houston Matters - Issues with Transgendered Houstonians This is an hour news segment however I want you to skip to the segment regarding Transgender Issues in preparation for our speaker on LGBT issues and the elderly Link Did we Evolve to be Internet Trolls? Link Mental Health and Houston Link HOW ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA FORGE THEIR OWN PATHS TO RECOVERY Link Hometown Hometown A PORTRAIT OF THE AMERICAN OPIOID EPIDEMI Link Jonestown Link Classical Conditioning and Cult Behavior Link MISS Representation Documentary on gender roles Link X & Y Link Mega churches and the LGBT community Link Haunted by Mental Illness Link Phineas Gage Link H.M. Man Link How MRI work Link Truth about ECT Link Cognitive Behavior Therapy Link How Psychotherapy Works Media Embed Purity Ball Part 1 Media Embed Purity Ball Part 2 Media Embed Purity Ball Part 3