Advanced Essentials of Active Cyber Defense (ITSY 1491)

This course aims to address the broad topic of proactively researching for vulnerabilities of computerized assets in enterprise organizations and successfully compromise them in adversarial stealthy fashion. We will explore practical methodologies for hunting of advanced dwelling techniques and validate defense mechanisms in real-time scenarios



  1. Develop scoping for penetrating organization multi-faucet defense mechanism
  2. Perform reconnaissance mission on the whole organization using passive, active methods.
  3. Build, manage and attack an enterprise Active Directory infrastructure.
  4. Living off the land and moving laterally across network.
  5. Real world up-to-date exploitation techniques.
  6. Custom modifications of public exploits.
  7. Past well-known cyber-attacks.
  8. Less known methods used to compromise systems and defenses used by organizations.
  9. Privilege escalation, persistence, post-compromise techniques
  10. ICS cyber incident response
  11. Malware analysis.
  12. MITRE ATT&CK, C2 framework, NVD, CVSS.
  13. Industry tools for threat detection and threat prevention.
  14. Cyber threat intelligence.
  15. Behavioral anomaly detection.