Welcome Leeter SPAN 1411 Summer 2021

SPAN 1411

Estimados estudiantes,

First of all I want to congratulate you on your choice to attend HCC Online.  I want to let you know that our college is dedicated to ensuring that each student has access to all educational opportunities.

Welcome Spanish 1411 students.  I invite you to enjoy a new learning experience as we journey through this “Live” online course.  Our focus will be on language – how to use it, read it, analyze it, write it, and hopefully, come to a greater understanding of its power and influence in what we do.  I am the type of professor that push at the beginning, but by the end you will be relax with my class when other professors are rushing you for the last-minute grades.

Please, take in consideration that I have being just diagnosed with Lung Cancer (Never smoked in my life) currently undergoing to Chemotherapy session + de Pandemic. What I am trying to say is that if I Can, you can also! Of course, we are going to encounter some days that things are going to look harder than others but, I am going to do my best and I expect you to do the same. One thing I want to minimize is the chain of emails. That’s why I am sending all this information so you can know and understand everything.

With that been said here is what you need in this class.

To start, you will want to know the structure of the class: 
The class is entirely online – with daily (M to TH) WebEx meetings from 12 to 4pm as shown when you registered. Attendance is mandatory.
The class will begin June 7th. in CANVAS, VHLCENTRAL, WEBEX are our online platforms.
This class will travel faster than a pace as the in-person classroom sections to complete the full course. To keep up with the class and important announcements and discussions, you will need to log on daily.  

An online class can be both challenging and exciting.  You need to have and make the time to complete all the assignments, participate in discussions and be open-minded to learning.  You also need to be self-motivated and self-disciplined to succeed.

Next, here’s what you need for an online class:
Make sure that you have easy and reliable internet access, camera. Mic and headphones.  Check to make sure that your computer system is adequate, that you have all the needed software and that your cache settings are correct.   Have a back-up computer in case of problems. You need to be in a quiet area (No background noise). Technical difficulties will not be an acceptable excuse for late or missed work.   Check your college email address regularly. My hope is that you learn from this course, enjoy the experience, and have fun in the process!  Let me know if I can help you with anything as you begin your work in the course.  Do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further help.


Watch out for the due dates: Discussions are to be done on CANVAS; the homework and tests/exam in VHLCENTRAL

Note: Chapter #1 & #2 are due on June 12th. We need to complete two chapters per week (#3 & #4, #5 & #6 then, Review and Final Examination) to fit the College requirements and scheduled Final Exam. This is a Fast-Track course.

PS: Your best way to get in contact with me is via email (I am fast answering). My office phone number sometimes do not record properly the messages.


I am really looking forward to meeting you and working with you.   See you online!

 Indira Dortolina

A.K.A. Professor “D”



Some Extra Important Information:


Go over the eBook to learn the lesson

Do the online homework, tests and Final Exam in VHLCentral.

Do the Discussion board: Post your answer and write a comment to at least two classmates to received complete credit (if you only post yours, you will receive half credit)

PLEASE, read this part below:

1.- I am not a computer expert, if you encounter problems with VHLCentral. Please, contact them or if you encounter problems with CANVAS you will need to call HCC Canvas. Their phone numbers are in the syllabus, but you can search them also on the main HCC Website.

2.- When joining WebEx, please, say Hi and, type the following to be added to the right group -as this is not the only class I teach- Your full name, college, class, and semester. For example, Indira Dortolina HCC SPAN 1411 Summer 2021. Our first WEBEX meeting will be on Monday, June 7th. at Noon. After our first week “Live” meeting I will update you of how we are going to manage the “Live” class meetings.  The daily “Live” meetings will depend on the number of emails I get -I really want to avoid a chain of emails- If I see a normal amount of email, I will adjust the Videoconference events.

I would like to share an email that student sent me last semester as an example of how you should not communicate with any professor, or at least with me: (Of course I deleted the student identity and it was in another college I do teach)

Students Question:


Hey! It seems that the Connect (online portion for homework and chapter test) have to be bought apart through McGraw-Hill -it is on back order at the college- on top of the eBook. What the h?


I will paste what I answer to that student!

__________________________________ * _________________________________

My answer:


Even if you still have to buy the Connect access and eBook for 150$ still a good price.


Through the college which is on backorder the price Is 300$


I am just trying to help! At the end you buy your best option it was only a suggestion! 150$ (half price at least)


I would appreciate a kinder language in an email, please! 


I am undergoing to chemotherapy treatment for Lung Cancer (lymphoma) and I am going far beyond my duties to try to help you all!


"Treat people how you want to be treated" anonymous 

__________________________________ * _________________________________

Please, read all the documents Syllabus, Chapter information, Canvas, etc.… to avoid 100 emails every morning, that’s why I will hold video conferences because students usually have the same question so that way it can be answer to all (I am not saying you cannot email, of course you can but, not for things that I cannot fix and/or are already answer on the Syllabus, this letter in Canvas, etc.

I understand we are all going though time with this pandemic but, let’s try not to get in more negativity. I am not your enemy I am here to guide you during this journey the only thing I ask is to do your job and I will do mine!


Bellow you will see a screenshot of where you can find WEBEX in Canvas. You will need to download the program-which is not to heavy- to be able to attend the videoconferences, as I mention above normally, I will adjust the days and times as I get to know each other. You will need your webcam, mic, speaker/head set and be in a space with no distraction and noise free with camera on -I need to see you-.
