Welcome to Spanish 1411

Estimados estudiantes,

First of all I want to congratulate you on your choice to attend Houston Community College online.  I want to let you know that our college is dedicated to ensuring that each student has access to all educational opportunities.

Welcome Spanish 1411 students.  I invite you to enjoy a new learning experience as we journey through this online course.  Our focus will be on language – how to use it, read, it, analyze it, write it, and hopefully, come to a greater understanding of its power and influence in what we do.

To start, you will want to know the structure of the class:

The class is entirely on-line – there are no required on-campus meetings. The class will begin August 24th in Eagle Online.  You have to take/do the orientation before you can access the course.

This class will travel at the same pace as the in-person classroom sections. To keep up with the class and important announcements and discussions, you will need to log on daily, if only for a short time to check in.  

An online class can be both challenging and exciting.  You need to have and make the time to complete all the assignments, participate in discussions, and be open-minded to learning.  You also need to be self-motivated and self-disciplined to succeed.
Next, here’s what you need for an online class:

Make sure that you have easy and reliable internet access.
Check to make sure that your computer system is adequate, that you have all the needed software and that your cache settings are correct.
Have a back-up computer (know the computer lab locations on campus) in case of problems. Technical difficulties will not be an acceptable excuse for late or missed work.
Check your college email address regularly.

My hope is that you learn from this course, enjoy the experience, and have fun in the process!  Let me know if I can help you with anything as you begin your work in the course.  Do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further help.

I am really looking forward to meeting you and working with you.   See you online!


Indira Dortolina

A.K.A. Professor “D”