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Fundamentals of Grammar and Composition II (ENGL 3010)

Instructor: Jenna Gilbert

A course designed to prepare students for English 1301. Students will ordinarily proceed to English 0310 after taking English 0300. Some students may, however, test directly into English 0310 (English 0300 is not a prerequisite for English 0310). English 0310 provides a basic review of the principles of grammar, usage, and mechanics and utilizes the writing process to teach students to write short essays (300-500 words).

Program Learning Outcomes
By the time students have completed English 0310, they will be able to:
1. Use a variety of sentence patterns in writing.
2. Comprehend and respond to assigned readings.
3. Employ the writing process (planning, drafting, editing, revising, and developing thesis
and topic sentences) in assigned writings.
4. Write a variety of essays using appropriate rhetorical modes.

Student Learning Outcomes
By the time students have completed English 0310, they will be able to
1. Use a variety of sentence patterns in writing.
2. Comprehend and respond to assigned readings.
3. Employ the writing process (planning, drafting, editing, revising, and developing thesis
and topic sentences) in assigned writings.
4. Write a variety of essays using appropriate rhetorical modes.
5. Incorporate the ideas and words of other writers in their own essays using established

Learning Objectives
Students will:
1.1 Identify and demonstrate use of varied sentence types in assigned readings
1.2 Identify and demonstrate use of varied sentence types in assigned writings
2.1 Demonstrate comprehension of assigned reading through discussion, quizzes and or
2.2 Respond to assigned readings through journals and/or essays in similar rhetorical mode
3.1 Submit essay packets for grading employing all stages of the writing process
3.2 Demonstrate the steps of the writing process for class assignments and/or assigned work.
4.1 Write in three to four rhetorical modes per semester.
4.2 Write in one rhetorical mode or use a combination to demonstrate proficiency on final
exam in class essay.
5.1 Effectively use outside sources in collaborative writing project.
5.2 Analyze and synthesize material from readings.

SCANS or Core Curriculum Statement and Other Standards
Developmental English 0310 Objectives include and incorporate federally mandated SCANS
SKILLS (workplace skills) in both curriculum and classroom instruction and applications.
SCANS SKILLS include skills development