Chapter 16: Sensory, Motor, & Integrative Systems

With regard to the Ascending & Descending Tracts, you will be tested on all tracts. The following videos are tutorials to assist you in the learning process. Be sure to review the other tract by referring to the tables 16.3 & 16.4. In order to prepare for the Final Lecture Exam, familiarize yourself with the following for each tract. It may help you to draw them out as well. - Sensory or Motor tract - If sensory, know the stimulus and specific sensory receptors (p. 615) associated with the tract - Know if the tract crosses and the structure where this occurs - Refer to the specific homunculus to know where it will lead to or come from in the cerebral cortex - Look up disorders/ diseases associated with lesions of each tract. Although some are listed in the text be sure to google others and bring notes to class to discuss.