Final Exam Self-Reflection Essay

Final Exam Reflection Assignment

You may complete this portion of the final exam in advance and bring it to class on December 9 for Monday/Wednesday class.  The due date for Saturday classes is December 14th.

In this reflection paper you should explain how you changed as a reader, writer and thinker which in our course ENGL1301. Write 2 pages double spaced explaining how the essays we read helped you develop a new perspective, or increased your self-awareness.  Also you should write about how this course made you a better writer.

The purpose of this essay is to reflect on what you learned in our course and how it effected you as a person and as a student.
1. Do refer to specific readings to explain how you developed, changed, etc in this class.
2. Do reflect thoughtfully so that your observations are deep.
3. Do reflect on how your writing skills changed.
4. Don't make a list of assignments and readings.