SYLLABUS "Utilizing Library Resources" (LBRA 1191)

Instructor: Melba Martin

SYLLABUS, Melba Martin, Utilizing Library Resources, Researching, Databases, Ebooks,


An introduction to “Utilizing Library Resources.” Students will be responsible getting a clear understanding of how to use a variety of resources that's available for all users in the library. Students will need to learn how researching information that accessible in libraries and other educational instructional will be helpful. This class is placing special emphasis on the students's ability to process and follow assignments and be a self-directed learner using techniques in social and academic contexts provided in this course. The goal of this course is the researching skills will be useful in the students' successful higher education goals and future life challenges. 


No course prerequisite(s) for this course. 


Course Information

A syllabus hasn't been posted for this course yet.