Useful Websites for Research

Here is a short list of some of my favorite resources that you can find on the World Wide Web. Of course, don't forget to use the databases and other resources from the HCC Libraries at

If you need information on controversial issues, try....

 If you to need find official government information and statistics, try...

US Census Bureau

If you need information on American life and cultural trends, try....

Pew Research Centers


If you need to find research journal articles or journal citations, try...

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)


Google Scholar

Social Science Research Network (SSRN)


If you need primary sources, try...

American Memory Archives from Library of Congress

National Archives

Spartacus Educational


If you need to find free e-books or book previews, try...

Project Gutenberg

Google books


If you need help with citing your sources for your research project, try...

Purdue University's OWL Writing Lab - MLA style

Purdue University OWL Writing Lab - APA style


If you need to organize and keep track of your school research or even your personal stuff, try...



 If you are an advanced level researcher who needs to keep organize your research, try...

