Arabic beginner (ARAB 1412)

Instructor: Muthanna Al Khaldi

Arabi Outcomes 1412, Beginning Arabic I, is a (four credit-hour) course, The course transfers to universities as a foreign language credit. It also satisfies the cross-cultural component of the HCCS core curriculum. Placement in this course is based on having had no previous formal instruction in Arabic or lea than one year of high-school Arabic. In Arabic 1412 you will listen to, speak, read and write Arabic. Vocabulary, language patterns, and grammar are introduced and applied in the context of practical communication. You will learn Arabic vocabulary, expressions, and structures relating to college studies, personal identity, home and family, getting acquainted, describing people and places, activities, and leisure, dining and cuisine, transactions in a store or restaurant. You will also learn cultural information about values, beliefs, and practices related to the above situations and to speakers of Arabic. In a more general sense, you will learn about the cultural contexts of the Arabic language. The class includes dialogues, tapes, and oral and written exercises, role-playing, partner or group work. You will also learn Arabic grammar.

  I hope you find Arabic an interesting and rewarding subject. I look forward to working with you this semester ...

Good luck  حَـظًا سَـعـيدًا

Muthanna Alkhaldi (Arabic P.Hd.)

Welcome with Arabic 1412