Nathan Smith

Nathan Smith

  • Central College
  • Philosophy, Humanities, and Library Sciences
  • Room 112.4, Learning Hub, Central Camups
  • 713-718-2611
  • [email protected]

Check out the HCC philosophy discipline homepage.

Follow me on Twitter: @smithnd

**For the latest COVID-19 updates from HCC, please go here.**

Resources for Internet research:

  • HCC Libraries on-line: A great website with research tools, online catalogs, tips, and tools for on-line chat with a librarian.
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: An outstanding collection of encyclopedia articles on issues in contemporary philosophy and the history of philosophy. These articles are detailed treatments of their subjects by the some of the best researchers in the field.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Another very good encyclopedia of philosophy written for a more general audience.
  • Wikipedia: One of my go-to sites for quick, easy, and (generally) accurate information about almost anything.
  • Google Scholar: This search engine targets published academic journals, books, and .edu pages. And it's Google.  A Google Scholar search can get you started on a research project much better than a standard Google search. On campus, you can access articles available through jstor, project muse, Infotrac Academic Oneflie, or EBSCO Academic Search Complete. Search the library for books and articles found here.
  • Google Books: searches images of books; partial views of new books and complete access to older books are available.


Audio programs on philosophical topics:

  • Engines of our Ingenuity: Professor Emeritus in Mechanical Engineering and History, John Leinhard of the University of Houston, created and records this daily podcast with support from other faculty associated with U of H. Make sure to check out episodes by stochastic researcher, Andy Boyd.
  • Philosophy Bites: A series of free podcast interviews with prominent philosophers on a wide range of topics. Look for people talking about the books you are reading orphilosophers you are studying.
  • History of Philosophy without any gaps: An impressively sophisticated collection of interviews about the history of philosophy. True to form, you will find discussions of many minor figures that are often overlooked in canonical histories of philosophy.


Internet Classics Archive:

If you are having difficulty finding books in classical philosophy for Introduction to Philosophy or Survey of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, the MIT Internet Classics Archive will probably have a copy of the book you are looking for. However, beware: the translation you find online will almost certainly be different from the one you are using in class. You must make note of this if you use this resource for your papers.


In case you missed class and were wondering:

Did I miss anything?


Philosophy paper due tomorrow!? Before you buy a paper from an online service, you should read these two articles.

The Shadow Scholar: A man who writes your student papers tells his story

Dan Ariely: Testing the products of essay mills