Publications and Presentations

An (updating) list of scholarly and creative publications and presentations.

Academic Publications

Link "Wiz Kids: An Exploration of Pedagogy in the World of Harry Potter, from Remus Lupin’s Differentiated Reconstructionism to Dolores Umbridge’s Discipline-Focused Essentialism" Abstract The enchanted campus of Hogwarts presents the professional educator with a virtual teaching lab. In the Harry Potter films the Hogwarts classrooms vividly mirror the varied pedagogic approaches and philosophies of teaching found in real world schools. Hogwarts’ instructional methods range from Aristotelian Essentialism to experimental Constructivism, a self-directed educational approach in which students identify and develop their own personal and academic interests, to high-pressure inquiry-based learning, explained and exemplified by the theories and methodologies developed by scholars such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget Paulo Freire, and Lev Vygotsky. Hogwarts’ students are exposed to lecture-filled History of Magic classes, homework-heavy Arithmancy and don’t-touch-the-gryffon-before-you-get-his-permission fieldwork. Just as educational ideologies have been developed to address the issues and meet the needs of real-world societies, Hogwarts, like the real world that is a testing ground for these conflicting ideologies to be applied, must allow these methodologies’ results to play out so that the most effective of them can survive and spread their influence. This chapter examines the pedagogic methods and behaviors of notable Hogwarts professors as well as their effects on students’ learning and success, both within Hogwarts and beyond, in its larger magical world. The goal of this analysis is the comparative study of how accurately applied real-world educational philosophies and practices are in the films of Harry Potter, in order better to understand the consequences of such pedagogic practices in the real world (or “Muggle Educational Systems” as they’re known in this world). In short, this chapter examines how education works at Hogwarts.

Creative Publications
