SOCI 1301 Outcomes and Objectives

SOCI 1301 – Introduction to Sociology


Upon completion of SOCI 1301, the student will be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast the basic theoretical perspectives of sociology.
  2. Identify the various methodological approaches to the collection and analysis of data in sociology.
  3. Describe key concepts in sociology.
  4. Describe the empirical findings of various subfields of sociology.
  5. Explain the complex links between individual experiences and broader institutional forces.




CSLO1: Compare and contrast the basic theoretical perspectives of sociology.

1.1 Compare and contrast religion from the major sociological perspectives. (CSLO1) ch15

1.2 Compare and contrast the functional, conflict, interactionist, and feminist views of the mass media. (CSLO1) Ch6

1.3 Describe education using the functionalist, conflict, feminist, and interactionist sociological perspectives. (CSLO1) Ch14

1.4 Explain culture and the dominant ideology using the major sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, feminism, and interactionism. (CSLO1) Ch3

1.5 Explain second shift in terms of women’s employment. (CSLO1) Ch11

1.6 Explain the functionalist, interactionist and conflict views of social institutions. (CSLO1) Ch5


CSLO2: Identify the various methodological approaches to the collection and analysis of data in sociology.

2.1 Outline and describe the steps in the scientific method. (CSLO2) Ch2

2.2 Summarize the characteristics, advantages, and limitations of the major research designs. (CSLO2) Ch2


CSLO3: Describe key concepts in sociology.

3.1 Compare and contrast formal and informal social control. (CSLO3) Ch7

3.2 Compare and contrast the understanding of deviance offered by the three major perspectives. (CSLO3) Ch7

3.3 Define and explain the elements of social control: obedience, sanctions, and conformity. (CSLO3) Ch7

3.4 Describe the key concepts of the nature of world religions. (CSLO3) ch15

3.5 Describe the key concepts of white-collar crime and street crime. (CSLO3) Ch7

3.6 Explain the various forms of collective behavior and summarize the sociological approaches to understanding it. (CSLO3) Ch18

3.7 List the various types of statuses in society. (CSLO3) Ch5

3.8 List and summarize the five elements of social structure. (CSLO3) Ch5

3.9 Differentiate among the five different types of groups. (CSLO3) Ch5

3.10 Describe what mass media is and the various forms it takes. (CSLO3) Ch6

3.11 Describe the functions of the mass media, according to the functionalist view. (CSLO3) Ch6

3.12 Explain/describe the narcotizing dysfunction, according to the functionalist view of the mass media. (CSLO3) Ch6

3.13 Differentiate between racial, ethnic, and minority groups. (CSLO3) Ch10

3.14 Explain the impact of prejudice and discrimination on social relations. (CSLO3) Ch10

3.15 Describe the effects of sex discrimination. (CSLO3) Ch11

3.16 Describe the different family types across cultures. (CSLO3) Ch13

3.17 Describe the significance of kinship patterns. (CSLO3) Ch13

3.18 Explain the three ways in which power is distributed within families. (CSLO3)  Ch13

3.19 Describe the impact of diverse lifestyles on the social institution of the family. (CSLO3) Ch13

3.20 Describe the manifest and latent functions of schools, according to the functionalist view. (CSLO3) Ch14

3.21 Summarize the inhibiting effects of education, according to the conflict perspective. (CSLO3) Ch14

3.22 Summarize the characteristics of each of the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology: functionalist, conflict, and interactionist. (CSLO3)  Ch1

3.23 Summarize the contributions of the major figures in the history of sociology from Auguste Comte on. (CSLO3) Ch1

3.24 Distinguish sociology from common sense knowledge about society (CSLO3) Ch1

3.25 List the principles of the American Sociological Association’s code of ethics. (CSLO3) Ch2

3.26 Summarize the benefits and challenges of conducting research online. (CSLO3) Ch2

3.27 Distinguish between norms and values. (CSLO3) Ch3

3.28 Identify examples of sanctions for formal and informal norms. (CSLO3) Ch3

3.29 List, summarize and explain the seven major agents of socialization and what each involve. (CSLO3) Ch4


CSLO4: Describe the empirical findings of various subfields of sociology.

4.1 Identify examples of empirical findings in an article. (CSLO4) Ch2

4.2 Summarize empirical findings in sociology. (CSLO4) Ch2


CSLO5: Explain the complex links between individual experiences and broader institutional forces.

5.1 Explain why deviant behavior is not always negative. (CSLO5) Ch7

5.2 Explain why sociologists see the creation of laws as a social process. (CSLO5) Ch7

5.3 Describe the factors that create resistance to social change. (CSLO5)  Ch18

5.4 Describe the various racial and ethnic populations in the United States. (CSLO5) Ch10

5.5 Describe women’s and men’s gender roles and the process of gender-role socialization in the United States. (CSLO5) Ch11

5.6 Explain the sociological imagination and the characteristics of sociology as a discipline. (CSLO5) Ch1

5.7 Describe and summarize examples of new social movements. (CSLO5) Ch18

5.8 Describe the impact of new communications technology on social movements. (CSLO5)  Ch18

5.9 Describe the effects of isolation on the social development of young children. (CSLO5)  Ch4

5.10 Explain what twin studies suggest about the effects of heredity and environment on social development. (CSLO5) Ch4

5.11 Explain how culture, race and gender can influence the way families socialize their children. (CSLO5) Ch4

5.12 Describe the increasing impact of media and technology on socialization. (CSLO5) Ch4

5.13 Explain the role of socialization through the life course. (CSLO5) Ch4