Photo 2 (ARTS 2357)


Extends the students' knowledge of technique and guides them in developing personal outlooks toward specific applications of the photographic process

  1. ARTS 2357 Photography II: Extends the students' knowledge of technique and guides them in developing personal outlooks toward specific applications of the photographic process. Prerequisite: Photography I or its equivalent. (Cross-listed, with journalism emphasis, as COMM 1319)  As defined in the Academic Course Guide Manual (AGCM) produced by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Spring 2015 (THECB)
  2. ARTS 2357 Photography II: This course will build on previously acquired skills of black and white film exposure, processing and printing and guide students in developing personal outlooks towards specific applications of the photographic process. Photography I is a prerequisite for Photography II. This course satisfies the fine arts component of the HCC core. (As listed in the 2014-2015 HCC Online Catalog. 1/5/2015)