

Welcome to American Literature II! First order of business--get your textbooks ASAP. You need The Norton Anthology of American Literature Vol. CDE. ISBN#: 978-0-393-91310-1. We will discuss the prompt for Essay #1 on Thursday, so take a look in advance and prepare questions. Let's have a great semester!



For homework read "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calveras County" (121-125) and Ch. 40-43 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Answer the following questions in paragraph form.

1. How do you respond to the ending of Huck Finn?

2. How does humor function/work in "The Notorious Jumping Frog"?



For homework read Booker T. Washington: from Up From Slavery “A Slave among Slaves” 675-683; “The Atlanta Exposition Address” 689-697; W.E.B. DuBois: “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington   and Others” 892-902.

3 Questions for Discussion

  1. How does Booker T. Washington distinguish his own upbringing from middle-class conceptions of childhood?
  2. Who was a stronger advocate for African-Americans, Booker T. Washington or W.E.B Dubois? Why?
  3. In your own words, what do you think Dubois means by “double-consciousness?”

Lastly, you've heard of Rosa Parks, but have you met Ida B. Wells?


An awesome quote by Sir Isaac Newton relates nicely to our discussion today over Washington and Dubois. Newton famously said: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Read Charles W. Chestnutt: "The Goophered Grapevine" 699-706; "The Passing of Grandison" 714-726; and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: "The Yellow Wallpaper" 792-804. Answer the two questions below. Type your answers, print, and turn in your work Tuesday.

Homework Questions

1. In what ways does Chesnutt's work parallel or contrast the other regionalist or local color writers we've read? What elements of Realism do you find in his work? What evidence (if any) do you find to suggest Chestnutt's attitude toward reforming postbellum America?

2. This question is related to the one above. We briefly considered the ways Twain might have used many voices in Huck Finn and "The Notorious Jumping Frog" to read out to multiple audiences. What examples of double voicing are in Chestnutt's work? How does the author speak to multiple audiences at once?

Be ready for a quiz on "The Yellow Wallpaper" on Tuesday.



Alright. I need to catch up on grading so no homework tonight. Read "Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin on 551. Decide which author/story you want to write about for Essay #1.Also, I've posted some secondary readings on Perkins Gilman in the Readings folder. A book (not posted) called Managing Madness in Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" suggests the narrator may have suffered postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis. More soon! SA



Over the weekend please read Kate Chopin: "The Awakening" 561-652; "The Story of an Hour" 555-557.

3 Questions

1. What awakenings does Edna go through in the book? Describe at least 2 and support your answers with quotes from the book.

2. In "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, what is the most prominent theme?

3. In any of the stories we've read thus far, involving female leads, (The Yellow Wall-Paper, Desiree's Baby, Story of an Hour, and The Awakening) what factors imprison each protagonist? Choose two different stories, two different protagonists to compare.

We will discuss these stories and paragraph development on Tuesday.



Great discussion today on The Awakening. By now you need to have chosen a prompt and a primary source to write about. I have a conference on Thursday so class will not meet. Use that time to begin working on Essay #1. Over the weekend read Ghost Dance Stories and Black Elk Speaks. Bring your work-thus-far on Essay #1 to class on Tuesday 2/16. I'm taking a grade and going over writing about Literature.



For homework finish a complete draft of Essay #1 including secondary sources. We will Peer Review on Thursday.

Thesis Statements:

FYI: On days where attendance is low, like today, you can expect a pop quiz. Come to class each time we meet and be on time. SA

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2/18

As you know Essay #1 is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 2/23.

Your Take Home Test will be due next Thursday, 2/25.

We'll begin Unit 2 the Modernist Period net week, so bring book D.



Finish reading Long Day's Journey into Night and complete the Unit 1 Take Home Test. Please use a scantron!



For homework, read Trifles by Susan Glaspell 253-263 and answer these questions on Long Day's Journey into Night:

Three Questions for Long Day's Journey into Night

1. What role does the past play in Long Day's Journey into Night?

2. Discuss characterization in the play. How does O'Neill create distinct characters and define them based on particular flaws?

3.Discuss the role of lying in the play. Who lies to whom, when do they lie and why? How are lies treated by O'Neill, and what part do they have in the play?

We will go over the Prompt for Essay #2 and How to Analyze Drama in class next time.


T 3/1

For homework read T.S. Elliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” 368-371 and “The Waste Land” 378-391; Robert Frost: 231-251; Birches, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, The Mending Wall.

Extra credit opportunity! VOTE and bring your receipt to class.

In class group questions...we will finish in class next time.

Comparison Question

Choose one question to answer. Use claim, quote, analysis each time. Remember you will have to quote both texts to fully answer the question.

1. Compare O'Neill and Glaspell's treatment of the theme of isolation.

2. Compare treatment of time in Long Day's Journey into Night versus Trifles and describe the different dramatic effects in each play.

3. How are O'Neill's and Glaspell's view of the plight of modern women different or similar?


TR 3/3

Next class we will do an activity in class over Robert Frost and have a quiz on "My Antonia" by Willa Cather.


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For homework read Zora Neale Hurston: “How It Feels to be Colored Me” 538-541 and "The Grave" by Katherine Ann Porter (in Readings). We will work on an exercise in class related to Comparative Analysis.


TR 3/10

Two Questions Re: ZNH & KAP

1. Write about the ways in which Hurston makes use of myths and archetypes. What emotional or psychological impact does mythology bring to “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”?


2. Write a comparison of Porter’s prose style and rhetorical strategies to those of Hurston, another Southern writer who wrote of women in grim predicaments. What differences to you see in the ways they handle expository prose and begin, pace, and end a narrative?

For homework, read Ernest Hemingway: “Hills Like White Elephants”, “The Short Happy Life of Francis Maccomber; “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” 826-844. AND choose your primary texts for Essay #2.


T 3/22

For homework read William Faulkner: “A Rose for Emily” 794-800; “Barn Burning” 800-812. As a point of comparison between Hemingway, consider Faulkner's use of flashback and setting as a way of developing character. Also, think about the ways their prose style is different. In class we will Workshop Essay #2 so bring your work.


TR 3/24

As y'all know, I'm taking PhD exams this week so class today is cancelled. Take a library day. Work on Essay #2. We will continue on Tuesday with the Rough Draft. Bring the Rough Draft to class on Tuesday. SA


T 3/29

Essay #2 is due on Thursday, 3/31. As I said in class today, the secondary source for this essay is optional. If you have one and its working well, I'll add points. Also, y'alls test over Unit 2 will be due on Tuesday 4/5. I'm writing it now. More soon, SA


TR 3/31

For homework, complete the Unit 2 Test. Read "Sexy" by Jhumpa Lahiri and Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire (film viewed in class); As you read A Streetcar Named Desire, consider the characteristics of Postmodernism. How is this play different from a Modernist play ie) O'Neill or Glaspell? We will discuss Junot Diaz in class on Tuesday.


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For homework, read Gloria Anzaldua: 849-858 “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. We will do an assignment in class over the readings.



For homework, read Maxine Hoang Kingston: 793-801 “No Name Woman” an excerpt from The Woman Warrior. Review the prompt for Essay #3.


T 4/12

Read Alice Walker: 921-929 “Everyday Use” and “To Hell With Dying” LW. We will watch a clip of The Color Purple in class and discuss criticism Walker faced that is similar what to Kingston and Anzaldua dealt with. There may be a quiz on "Everyday Use."


TR 4/28

Some big announcements!

Research Paper is DUE by e-mail [email protected] or dropped off to my office SJAC 215 on Tuesday, May 3.

Final Exam will take place on Thursday, May 12 from 10-12 in the classroom SJAC 271.