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Introduction to a Speech (Example using Template)

Utilizing the Prezi presentation as a template; here is an example of an Introduction to a Speech

Introduction to a Speech


I.      (Gain Audience Attention) Did you know?

A. Almost half of all 10th graders drink alcohol.

B. One in six teens binge drinks, yet only 1 in 100 parents believe his or her teen binge drinks.

C. High school students who use alcohol or other substances are five times more likely to drop     out of school.

II. (Preview Topic & Purpose) Today I am going to talk about underage drinking and driving.  For the sole purpose of deterring more deaths by informing you of the dangers and how to prevent this tragedy.

III. (Establish credibility as a speaker) I am a licensed counselor.  I have 5+ years’ experience working with Alcoholics Anonymous. I work on numerous boards related to implementing and enforcing stricter laws & penalties for drunk drivers.

IV. (Preview Main Points) Today I am going to talk about:

1. Peer pressure to drink &How to navigate in a cool way out of those situations

2. What happens if you do the unthinkable – DRINK & DRIVE

3. Penalties

4. Life before drinking and driving & Life AFTER DRINKING & DRIVING

V.  (Motivate the Audience to accept your goals)     I am going to show you two people’s lives

1. How the person’s life unfolded that was the designated driver

2. How the person that chose to drink and drive life unfolded.