Intro to Philosophy (PHIL 1301)

Instructor: Steven Shoemaker

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Instructional Services · Liberal Arts, Humanities and Education · Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy-20663PHIL-1301

    • RT 2022
    • Section 2463
    • 3 Credits
    • 01/18/2022 to 05/15/2022
  • Modified 12/14/2021

 Course Meetings

Meeting Days

Monday through Friday

Meeting Times

Business Hours

Meeting Location

Online -- Canvas and [email protected]

 Welcome and Instructor Information

    What's Exciting About This Course

    Primary Premise: Most ideas are wrong


    Conclusion:  We must start by doubting any new idea, seeking to disprove it


    Non-critical thinking occurs when an idea comes into your mind and you uncritically accept it


    CRITICAL THINKING is when you are expose to an idea, you doubt and seek confirmation


    In this class, we develop our ability to think critically and to think better in situations in our life. 

                      Welcome to philosophy!!

    Preferred Method of Contact

         [email protected]

    Office Hours

    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM
    • Business hours

    E-mail me at [email protected] in business hours, and I will contact you soon -- within twenty-four hours in the majority of cases. 

    Professor: Steven Shoemaker

    Office Hours

      Edit Office Hour item Delete Office Hour item
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:30 AM to 10:45

    Office Hours

    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM

     Course Overview

    Course Description

    This course is a theoretically diverse introduction to the study of ideas, including arguments and investigations about abstract and real phenomena, particularly in the areas of knowledge, ethics, and religion. This course satisfies the Language, Philosophy and Culture or Component Area Option of the HCC core.


    English 1301 or Department Approval [i.e. ENGL 1301 or higher level writing course]

    Department Website

     Core Curriculum Objectives (CCOs)

    This course satisfies the Philosophy, Language, and Culture component area or the Component Area Option in the HCC Core Curriculum.

    • Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate the ability to engage in inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information, and creative thinking by completing a written assignment such as a book report, research paper, or essay.
    • Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication by completing a written assignment such as a book report, research paper, or essay.
    • Personal Responsibility: Students will demonstrate the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
    • Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate cultural self-awareness, intercultural competency, civil knowledge, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities by completing textbook reading assignments, completing assignments, and answering questions on quizzes and exams that pertain to Course Student Learning Outcome #4 below.

     Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives

    Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)

    1. Demonstrate an understanding of arguments, problems, and terminology in philosophy.
    2. Analyze and critique philosophical texts in ways that demonstrate an awareness of argument structure and the evaluation of philosophical claims.
    3. Present logically persuasive arguments orally and in writing that are relevant to philosophical issues covered in course material.
    4. Evaluate personal and social responsibilities of living in a diverse world in terms of the philosophical issues raised in course material.

    Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)

    1. Read, analyze, and critique philosophical texts.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, major arguments, problems, and terminology in philosophy.
    3. Present logically persuasive arguments both orally and in writing.
    4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation and application of philosophical concepts to various aspects of life.
    5. Evaluate the personal and social responsibilities of living in a diverse world.

    Learning Objectives

    1.1  Read canonical texts in the philosophical tradition.

    1.2  Analyze, discuss, and critique philosophical texts in class, including through student presentations.

    1.3  Analyze and critique philosophical texts in written work, including papers and tests.

    2.1  Learn basic philosophical vocabulary, major arguments, and positions in central areas of philosophy.

    2.2  Define key concepts in your own words and provide definitions in regular quizzes.

    2.3  Demonstrate understanding of key arguments and claims made by philosophers studied in the course through short answer questions and papers.

    3  Present logically persuasive arguments in presentations, papers, and tests.

    4.1 Engage in critical thinking through classroom discussion and presentations.

    4.2  Demonstrate critical thinking skills in written work.

    5.1  Consider the impacts of philosophical ideas on personal and social responsibility.

    5.2  Apply philosophical concepts discussed in the course to personal and contemporary issues, demonstrating a concern for social and personal responsibility.

     Departmental Practices and Procedures

    Department Specific Instructor and Student Responsibilities

    As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:

    • Provide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student grades are to be derived
    • Facilitate an effective learning environment through learner-centered instructional techniques
    • Provide a description of any special projects or assignments
    • Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness, and making up assignments
    • Provide the course outline and class calendar that will include a description of any special projects or assignments
    • Arrange to meet with individual students before and/or after class as required

    As a student, it is your responsibility to:

    • Attend class in person and/or online
    • Participate actively by reviewing course material, interacting with classmates, and responding promptly in your communication with me
    • Read and comprehend the course material
    • Complete the required assignments and exams
    • Ask for help when there is a question or problem
    • Keep copies of all assignments, this syllabus, handouts
    • Be aware of and comply with academic honesty policies in the HCCS Student Handbook

    Program-Specific Student Success Information

    Attendance, preparedness, participation, and communication are essential for your success in this course. Preparedness and participation include carefully engaging with course material and assignments during course hours and on your own time. Attendance and communication with your instructor and your peers are vital. All of the above will ensure your growth in our community of learners where knowledge and skills are achieved through a process of mutual responsibility and involvement.  

    Academic Integrity

    A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students.  The instructor is responsible for measuring each student’s individual achievements and also for ensuring that all students participate on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcing roles. You are expected to be familiar with HCC’s policy on Academic Honesty. What that means is that if you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. To be clear, plagiarism (using another's ideas or words without giving credit), collusion (unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit), and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated.

    Students guilty of academic dishonesty may be given a grade of “F” or “0” for the particular assignment involved, assigned a failing grade in the course for repeated offenses, and/or referred to the Dean of Student Services for further disciplinary action. In extreme cases or for repeated violations, guilty students are recommended for probation or dismissal from the College.

    Attendance Policy

    HCC Policy is that you can miss up to but not exceed 12.5% of class hours, which is equivalent to 6 hours in this course. If you have not attended class before the official date of record, you will be automatically withdrawn from the course by the registrar. Students who are withdrawn for nonattendance will not be reinstated. Although it is your responsibility to withdraw from a course, the instructor has the authority to withdraw you for excessive absences. You may be withdrawn from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the total hours of instruction (6 hours for this course).

    You are absent when you:

    Online Anytime Courses (WW) - Fail to actively participate (including failure to submit assignments).

    Online on a Schedule Courses (WS) – Fail to log in during your scheduled class time and/or fail to actively participate (including failure to submit assignments). Excessive tardies and leaving class early may count towards your allotted absences.

    In Person Courses (P) – Fail to attend class. Excessive tardies and leaving class early may count towards your allotted absences.

    Hybrid Courses (HY) – Fail to log in and actively participate during your scheduled class time and/or fail to attend your in-person class session. Excessive tardies and leaving class early may count towards your allotted absences.

    Incomplete Policy

    In order to be considered for a grade of Incomplete (“I”), a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework with a passing grade. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor and to submit requisite work to complete the course and be assigned a grade. Student and instructor should execute a statement of work to be completed. A grade of Incomplete which has not been made up after six months from the end of the term in which the “I” was assigned will be converted to an “F.” In all cases, the instructor reserves the right to decline a student’s request to receive a grade of Incomplete.

     Instructional Materials and Resources

    Instructional Materials

    Your most important resources are:

    • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (;
    • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (;
    • Squashed Philosophers (

    Evidence is the ultimate arbiter of truth;

            If observations prove your theories incorrect

               you must disregard your theories and go with the evidence .

    Thus, avoid quotation and study website -- no context; and avoid .coms. 

      Use .gov, .edu, and .org sites

     Course Requirements

    Assignments, Exams, and Activities

    Lessons and Quiz 100 points MLA Formatted Writing and Arguments
    Lessons and Quiz 100 points Philosophy Basics and Informal Logical Fallacies
    Lessons and Quiz 100 points Reading and Understanding Arguments
    Lesson and Quiz 100 points Writing and Understanding Arguments
    Written Assignment 100 points Ancient and Classical Philosophy
    Written Assignment 100 points Epistemology -- The Theory of Knowledge
    Written Assignment 100 points Metaphysics - Theory of Reality
    Written Assignment 100 points Ethics -- Moral values and Principles
    Final Exam 100 points Philosophy Applied to Your Life

    Grading Formula

    Essay Assignments, Exercises, Quizzes, and Examinations - 100 %  

    Topical reading and writing assignments involve comprehension of essays and narrations and delving into specifics on the issues. The class is essay based, and proper formatting is essential for legal reasons. Essays will done using MLA style. Essays containing obvious spelling errors will have 30 points deducted from the total earned.   Poor diction and grammar will result in an additional 30 point deduction. 


    General Grading Rubric Elements (Rubric values will be alter to fit the particular assignments emphasis):

    • MLA Heading
    • Abstract
    • Citations
    • Works Cited
    • Assignment Requirements
    • Persuasion


    To avoid confusion, all work for this class must be submitted within Eagle Online in the Assignment Submission area in the assignments. 

    Do not send any completed assignments to any non- Eagle Online email address.  Do not print work out to mail or drop off at a campus.  All written communication must be conducted within Eagle Online email.

    Please note that for deadline purposes, the Eagle Online clock is the "official" clock, even if you are certain that your watch keeps perfect time.

    HCC Grading Scale can be found on this site under Academic Information:

    Resulting grade and related performance levels
    Grade Range Notes
    A 100-90  
    B 89-80  
    C 79-70  
    D 69-60  
    F 59-0

     Instructor's Practices and Procedures

    Incomplete Policy

    In order to receive a grade of Incomplete (“I”), a student must have completed at least 85% of the work in the course. In all cases, the instructor reserves the right to decline a student’s request to receive a grade of Incomplete. Given proper documentation and communication, an incomplete may be considered for medical reasons.

    Missed Assignments/Make-Up Policy

    Late Work

    Assignments may be accepted after the due date, but only with valid reason, only for one week after due date, and only for 50% credit.

    There is no extra credit.

    Academic Integrity

    Cheating is not that hard to define and as college students, you should have a firm idea about what cheating is. Just to be clear, here are a few simple definitions: 



    Cheating is: Copying from another student's exam.


    Cheating is: During a exam, using materials not authorized by the person giving the exam.


    Cheating is: Collaborating with another student during a exam without proper authority.


    Cheating is: Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an exam or paper.


    Cheating is: Bribing another person to obtain a copy of an exam.


    Cheating is: Plagiarism which means using someone's work or someone's ideas and representing them to be your own. That "someone" may be another student, a friend, a relative, a book author, an author of material on a web site, etc. Do not take material from anywhere without giving proper credit or reference.  In other words, do not copy from an Internet source and paste it into your essay answer space. ADDITIONALLY: proper MLA-format must be used for a paper to be legal, so incorrect formatting can result in up to 50% grade reduction.


    Cheating is: Collusion, which means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit when you represent that work to be your own. 

    Here’s the link to the HCC information about academic integrity (Scholastic Dishonesty and Violation of Academic Scholastic Dishonesty and Grievance):

    Attendance Procedures

    You are expected to log in on all online at least once a week . You are expected to read the Announcements. You are also responsible for materials covered during your absences. Instructors may be willing to consult with you for make-up assignments, but it is your responsibility to contact the instructor. Class attendance is checked daily. Although it is your responsibility to drop a course for nonattendance, the instructor has the authority to drop you for excessive absences.  You may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the total hours of instruction (lecture and lab). For example:  For a three credit-hour lecture class meeting three hours per week (48 hours of instruction), you can be dropped after six hours of absence.

    Student Conduct

    Students are expected to conduct themselves in this philosophy class in a civilized, ethical manner, in accord with the HCCS Student Code of Conduct:

    The instructor will notify the student if the student violates this manner to discuss the evidence; the instructor will notify the student of findings in writing (HCC student email sufficient). Possible consequences for a violations may include a grade of “0” or “F” on the particular assignment/exam or failure in the course. Some HCC programs may view a first violation to be egregious and may result in removal from the program.

    Instructor’s Course-Specific Information

    Students can expect grades and feedback after they submit coursework within two days, in most cases. Feedback and commentary is found to the right of the student’s submissions in returned assignment.


    Please use Chrome or Firefox browsers. If you are in a classroom, you my use a laptop, tablet, or any other device for taking notes or otherwise participating in class. However, please do not use a personal device for any purpose unrelated to class. All devices should be silenced. Cell phones should be put away, except in the rare instance that you to use them for an activity. I recommend that you power them down. If there is a serious need to leave your cell phone on, such as a family emergency, please put it on vibrate and let your instructor know.

    Faculty Statement about Student Success

    Expect to spend at least twice as many hours per week outside of class as you do in class studying the course content.  Additional time will be required for written assignments.  The assignments provided will help you use your study hours wisely.  Successful completion of this course requires a combination of the following:

    • Attending to sometimes-daily Announcements
    • Research and MLA-Format essay writing
    • Attending to class online
    • Completing assignments and essays

    There is no short cut for success in this course; it requires reading (and probably re-reading) and studying the material using the course objectives as a guide.

    Late Work:

    Assignments may be accepted after the due date for five days only (Friday), but only with valid reason and only for no more than 50% credit.  There is no extra credit.

    Faculty-Specific Information Regarding Canvas

    This course section will use Canvas ( to supplement in-class assignments, exams, and activities.  

    HCCS Open Lab locations may be used to access the Internet and Canvas.  For best performance, Canvas should be used on the current or first previous major release of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Because it's built using web standards, Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. 

    Canvas only requires an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.  

    Social Justice Statement

    Houston Community College is committed to furthering the cause of social justice in our community and beyond. HCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. I fully support that commitment and, as such, will work to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. In this course, we share in the creation and maintenance of a positive and safe learning environment. Part of this process includes acknowledging and embracing the differences among us in order to establish and reinforce that each one of us matters.  I appreciate your suggestions about how to best maintain this environment of respect. If you experience any type of discrimination, please contact me and/or the Office of Institutional Equity at 713-718-8271.

     HCC Policies and Information

    HCC Grading System

    HCC uses the following standard grading system:


    Grade Interpretation

    Grade Points


    Excellent (90-100)



    Good (80-89)



    Fair (70-79)



    Passing (60-69), except in developmental courses.



    Failing (59 and below)



    Failing due to non-attendance












    In Progress. Given only in certain developmental courses. A student must re-enroll to receive credit.



    Completed. Given in non-credit and continuing education courses.


    Link to Policies in Catalog and Student Handbook

    Here’s the link to the HCC Catalog and Student Handbook:

    In it you will find information about the following:

    • Academic Information
    • Academic Support
    • Attendance, Repeating Courses, and Withdrawal
    • Career Planning and Job Search
    • Childcare
    • disAbility Support Services
    • Electronic Devices
    • Equal Educational Opportunity
    • Financial Aid TV (FATV)
    • General Student Complaints
    • Grade of FX
    • Incomplete Grades
    • International Student Services
    • Health Awareness
    • Libraries/Bookstore
    • Police Services & Campus Safety
    • Student Life at HCC
    • Student Rights and Responsibilities
    • Student Services
    • Testing
    • Transfer Planning
    • Veteran Services

    Link to HCC Academic Integrity Statement (scroll down to subsections)


    Campus Carry Link

    Here’s the link to the HCC information about Campus Carry:

    HCC Email Policy

    When communicating via email, HCC requires students to communicate only through the HCC email system to protect your privacy.  If you have not activated your HCC student email account, you can go to HCC Eagle ID and activate it now.  You may also use Canvas Inbox to communicate.

    Office of Institutional Equity

    Use the following link to access the HCC Office of Institutional Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement:

    Ability Services

    HCC strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible.  If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including long and short term conditions, mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please meet with a campus Abilities Counselor as soon as possible in order to establish reasonable accommodations.  Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and Ability Services.  It is the policy and practice of HCC to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law.  For more information, please go to

    Title IX

    Houston Community College is committed to cultivating an environment free from inappropriate conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature including sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.  Sex discrimination includes all forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct and violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity.  Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex-including pregnancy and parental status in educational programs and activities.  If you require an accommodation due to pregnancy please contact an Abilities Services Counselor.  The Director of EEO/Compliance is designated as the Title IX Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator.  All inquiries concerning HCC policies, compliance with applicable laws, statutes, and regulations (such as Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504), and complaints may be directed to:

    David Cross
    Director EEO/Compliance
    Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity
    3100 Main
    (713) 718-8271
    Houston, TX 77266-7517 or [email protected]

    Office of the Dean of Students

    Contact the office of the Dean of Students to seek assistance in determining the correct complaint procedure to follow or to identify the appropriate academic dean or supervisor for informal resolution of complaints.

    Student Success

    Expect to spend at least twice as many hours per week outside of class as you do in class studying the course content.  Additional time will be required for written assignments.  The assignments provided will help you use your study hours wisely.  Successful completion of this course requires a combination of the following:

    • Reading the textbook
    • Attending class in person and/or online
    • Completing assignments
    • Participating in class activities

    There is no short cut for success in this course; it requires reading (and probably re-reading) and studying the material using the course objectives as a guide.

    Canvas Learning Management System

    Canvas is HCC’s Learning Management System (LMS), and can be accessed at the following URL:

    HCCS Open Lab locations may be used to access the Internet and Canvas.  For best performance, Canvas should be used on the current or first previous major release of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Because it's built using web standards, Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. 

    Canvas only requires an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.  


    HCC Online Information and Policies

    Here is the link to information about HCC Online classes, which includes access to the required Online Information Class Preview for all fully online classes:

    Scoring Rubrics, Sample Assignments, etc.

    Look in Canvas for the scoring rubrics for assignments, samples of class assignments, and other information to assist you in the course.

    Instructor and Student Responsibilities

    As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:

    • Provide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student grades are to be derived
    • Facilitate an effective learning environment through learner-centered instructional techniques
    • Provide a description of any special projects or assignments
    • Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness, and making up assignments
    • Provide the course outline and class calendar that will include a description of any special projects or assignments
    • Arrange to meet with individual students during office hours, and before and after class as required

    As a student, it is your responsibility to:

    • Attend class in person and/or online
    • Participate actively by reviewing course material, interacting with classmates, and responding promptly in your communication with me
    • Read and comprehend the textbook
    • Complete the required assignments and exams
    • Ask for help when there is a question or problem
    • Keep copies of all paperwork, including this syllabus, handouts, and all assignments
    • Be aware of and comply with academic honesty policies in the HCCS Student Handbook

    Sensitive or Mature Course Content

    In this college-level course, we may occasionally discuss sensitive or mature content. All members of the classroom environment, from your instructor to your fellow students, are expected to handle potentially controversial subjects with respect and consideration for one another’s varied experiences and values.  


    The EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System) will be available for most courses near the end of the term until finals start.  This brief survey will give invaluable information to your faculty about their teaching.  Results are anonymous and will be available to faculty and division chairs after the end of the term.  EGLS3 surveys are only available for the Fall and Spring semesters.  EGLS3 surveys are not offered during the Summer semester due to logistical constraints.

    Housing and Food Assistance for Students

    Any student who faces challenges securing their foods or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Students at their college for support. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so.  

    This will enable HCC to provide any resources that HCC may possess.

    Student Resources


    HCC provides free, confidential, and convenient academic support, including writing critiques,  to HCC students in an online environment and on campus.  Tutoring is provided by HCC personnel in order to ensure that it is contextual and appropriate.  Visit the HCC Tutoring Services website for services provided.


    The HCC Library System consists of 9 libraries and 6 Electronic Resource Centers (ERCs) that are inviting places to study and collaborate on projects.  Librarians are available both at the libraries and online to show you how to locate and use the resources you need.  The libraries maintain a large selection of electronic resources as well as collections of books, magazines, newspapers, and audiovisual materials.  The portal to all libraries’ resources and services is the HCCS library web page at

    Supplementary Instruction

    Supplemental Instruction is an academic enrichment and support program that uses peer-assisted study sessions to improve student retention and success in historically difficult courses.  Peer Support is provided by students who have already succeeded in completion of the specified course, and who earned a grade of A or B.  Find details at

    Resources for Students:

    Basic Needs Resources:

    Student Basic Needs Application:


    Here’s the link to the HCC information about COVID-19:

    Instructional Modalities

    In-Person (P)

    Safe, face-to-face course with scheduled dates and times

    Online on a Schedule (WS)

    Fully online course with virtual meetings at scheduled dates and times

    Online Anytime (WW)

    Traditional online course without scheduled meetings

    Hybrid (H)

    Course that meets safely 50% face-to-face and 50% virtually

    Hybrid Lab (HL)

    Lab class that meets safely 50% face-to-face and 50% virtually

    Copyright Statement

    In order to uphold the integrity of the academic environment and protect and foster a cohesive learning environment for all, HCC prohibits unauthorized use of course materials. Materials shared in this course are based on my professional knowledge and experience and are presented in an educational context for the students in the course. Authorized use of course materials is limited to personal study or educational uses. Material should not be shared, distributed, or sold outside the course without permission. Students are also explicitly forbidden in all circumstances from plagiarizing or appropriating course materials. This includes but is not limited to publically posting quizzes, essays, or other materials. This prohibition extends not only during this course, but after. Sharing of the materials in any context will be a violation of the HCC Student Code of Conduct and may subject the student to discipline, as well as any applicable civil or criminal liability. Consequences for unauthorized sharing, plagiarizing, or other methods of academic dishonesty may range from a 0 on the specified assignment and/or up to expulsion from Houston Community College. Questions about this policy may be directed to me or to the Manager of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

     Course Calendar

    Syllabus Modifications

    The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus at any time during the semester and will promptly notify students in writing, typically by e-mail, of any such changes.

    Lessons and Quiz 100 points MLA Formatted Writing and Arguments
    Lessons and Quiz 100 points Philosophy Basics and Informal Logical Fallacies
    Lessons and Quiz 100 points Reading and Understanding Arguments
    Lesson and Quiz 100 points Writing and Understanding Arguments
    Written Assignment 100 points Ancient and Classical Philosophy
    Written Assignment 100 points Epistemology -- The Theory of Knowledge
    Written Assignment 100 points Metaphysics - Theory of Reality
    Written Assignment 100 points Ethics -- Moral values and Principles
    Final Exam 100 points Philosophy Applied to Your Life

     Additional Information

    Departmental/Program Information

    The HCC philosophy program provides students opportunities to explore and cultivate open, critical ways to understand the search for truth and to examine the moral implications of thinking and action in an increasingly technologically driven multicultural world.

    AWARD TYPES: Associate in Arts

    AREA OF STUDY: Liberal Arts, Humanities & Education

    Careers in Field

    An undergraduate degree in Philosophy prepares graduates for careers which include writing, journalism, policy-making, teaching, law and business. Additional studies may be needed.

    Transfer/Advising Plan

    Student Organizations

    Ethics Bowl
    Philosophy Club



    Monthly Scholarship Opportunities

    HCC Foundation Scholarships

    HCC Foundation Scholarships for F-1 Students

    Eagle Promise – Free Degree Program

    HCC Honors College Scholarship

    Impact Scholarship

    Chancellor Scholarship


    Process for Expressing Concerns about the Course

    If you have concerns about any aspect of this course, please reach out to your instructor for assistance first. If your instructor is not able to assist you, then you may wish to contact the Department Chair. 

    Dr. Brandon Williams, [email protected], 713-718-7258