Fundamentals of Photography (PHTC 1311)

Instructor: Steven Snyder


Course Syllabus

Fundamentals of Photography

PHTC 1311

Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN)


Instructor contact information (phone number and email address)

Steven R. Snyder, Ph.D.   [email protected]

Office Location and Hours

SW Campus Digital Communication

Course Location/Times

SW Campus Room 136 TT 2pm-5pm

Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable

Credit Hours



Lecture Hours



Laboratory Hours




Total Course Contact Hours


Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable


Course Length (number of weeks)


Type of Instruction


Course Description:

An introduction to camera operation and image production, composition, supplemental lighting, and use of exposure meters and filters.

Course Prerequisite(s)


Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes


Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7

1. knowledgeable of camera operation
2. able to use the knowledge of camera operation, composition and design to produce photographs
3. skilled in basic digital darkroom techniques
4. skilled in the exposure and output
5. knowledgeable of the photographic vocabulary
6. skilled in displaying photographic work

Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO - e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.)

knowledgeable of camera operation

able to use the knowledge of camera operation, composition and design to produce photographs

skilled in basic digital darkroom techniques

skilled in the exposure and output

knowledgeable of the photographic vocabulary

skilled in displaying photographic work

SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable


knowledgeable of camera operation

able to use the knowledge of camera operation, composition and design to produce photographs

skilled in basic digital darkroom techniques

skilled in the exposure and output

knowledgeable of the photographic vocabulary

skilled in displaying photographic work

Instructional Methods

This class will be taught using a combination of lectures, class discussions, video presentations, projects, field trips, in-class group activities, mentoring/mimic activities and active learning components.



Student Assignments

knowledgeable of camera operation

No assignments selected for this outcome

able to use the knowledge of camera operation, composition and design to produce photographs

No assignments selected for this outcome

skilled in basic digital darkroom techniques

No assignments selected for this outcome

skilled in the exposure and output

No assignments selected for this outcome

knowledgeable of the photographic vocabulary

No assignments selected for this outcome

skilled in displaying photographic work

No assignments selected for this outcome

Student Assessment(s)

knowledgeable of camera operation

No assessments selected for this outcome

able to use the knowledge of camera operation, composition and design to produce photographs

No assessments selected for this outcome

skilled in basic digital darkroom techniques

No assessments selected for this outcome

skilled in the exposure and output

No assessments selected for this outcome

knowledgeable of the photographic vocabulary

No assessments selected for this outcome

skilled in displaying photographic work

No assessments selected for this outcome

Instructor's Requirements


Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable


HCC Grading Scale

A = 100- 90


4 points per semester hour

B = 89 - 80:


3 points per semester hour

C = 79 - 70:


2 points per semester hour

D = 69 - 60:


1 point per semester hour


59 and below = F


0 points per semester hour


IP (In Progress)


0 points per semester hour




0 points per semester hour


I (Incomplete)


0 points per semester hour


AUD (Audit)


0 points per semester hour


IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.

See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale.

Instructor Grading Criteria

10%  Tests

10%  Pop Quizzes

75%  Photographic Assignments: Practical application of theory covered in lectures.

5%  Participation


All work will be graded an a percentile scale. Anything not turned in on time will receive a grade of zero. Work cannot be turned in late. Therefore, it is imperative that you retain proof that you turned in the required work at the required time. Without proof, grades will not be changed.



Instructional Materials


  1. Digital SLR Camera, Must be capable of manual exposure.
  2. Access  to a Shoe Mount portable flash
  1. Black  3 ring  binder  (for notes, assignments, contact sheets).
  2. Black 1/2 “ 3 ring binder to hand in assignments
  3. Access  to a photo quality inkjet printer (or photo lab)
  4. Photo Quality Ink jet paper (or photo lab)
  5. Either a portfolio box, folio folder, transport case, museum case or drop front box for the portfolio.

7.     8x10 18% Gray Card. (available at quality camera stores)

  1. 8x10 White Card
  2. 8x10 Black Card.


The lab contains electrical equipment which can be hazardous. Therefore, no children are allowed in studio or lab areas at any time.  Only students and adult models are allowed in the studio.  Please do not bring children to lab.


For the same reasons, no food or drink is allowed in studio or lab areas at any time. Please do not bring food or drink to the lab.


It is assumed and expected that students treat lab areas and equipment with respect in regards to safety. If at any time a student demonstrates they are incapable of acting in an adult and responsible manner, they will be asked to leave the lab area until such time as they can demonstrate to the instructor responsible behavior.


Absence Policy (HCC policy: if a student is absent more than 12.5% of the total class time, the instructor may drop the student.)



Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating (II a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Punishment for scholastic dishonesty will include an automatic grade of “F” in the course and recommendation for probation or dismissal from the college



HCC Policy Statement:

Access Student Services Policies on their Web site:

Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies

Access DE Policies on their Web site:

Access CE Policies on their Web site: