Humanities (HUMA 1301)

Instructor: Suanna Davis

Spring 2011 HUMA 1301 CRN 70218

HUMA 1301 Spring 2011

Dr. Suanna H. Davis

HUMA 1301
Spring 2011         
second start
         CRN 70218

Class meets TTh 7-9 p.m. in FAC 316

Text: Adventures in the Human Spirit (AHS) by Philip E. Bishop

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 713-718-6671 (ENGL Office)

Office: FAC 206

Available to meet with students: MWF 10-10:50 a.m. and TTh 7:30-8:20 a.m. Also by arrangement at other times.

Course description: HUMA 1301 provides an introduction to the arts and humanities. The course investigates the relationship between individual human lives and works of imagination and thought.

Course prerequisites: Must be placed into college-level reading (or take GUST 0342 as a co-requisite) and be placed into college-level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0349 as a co-requisite).

Course goal: To expand the student’s knowledge and understanding of how human culture has expressed itself via mythology, drama, poetry, philosophy, visual art, music, film, and various related modes.

Student learning outcomes: The student will be able to (1) describe representative themes and developments in the humanities; (2) interpret representative terms, works, figures and artists in philosophy, literature, and the visual and performing arts; (3) compare and contrast representative terms, works, figures and artists in philosophy, literature, and the visual and performing arts; and (4) evaluate cultural creations in the humanities.

HUMA 1301 is a Core Curriculum course.

Even though it is an introductory course, this class is READING INTENSIVE.
It is a survey course.
We will be reading a lot.
We will do lots of fun things and reading will be a large part of that.


Course Withdrawal

If you wish to drop a course, you must do so by the withdrawal date. After this date the course cannot be dropped, professors can no longer give a grade of “W” at the end of the semester. Instead, students must be given the grade earned, which is usually an “F” if the student stopped coming to class.


Texas State law requires 87.5% minimum attendance for college courses. You will be dropped if you miss more than 12.5% of instruction (a total of six hours). This can be combined absences or tardies.

Students who are sleeping, talking, or texting during class will be marked absent. Students who leave class repeatedly, come in late and leave early, or are doing other work/reading during the class will be marked absent.

If a student is present every day for class, two points will be added to their final average. If they are absent once, one point will be added. If they are absent three times before the drop date, they will be dropped. Four absences total after the drop date will result in the state-mandated failure of the course.

Late Work Late work will not be accepted in this class. The homework is primarily reading and note-taking. There will be daily quizzes.

Scholastic Dishonesty According to the Student Handbook for the Houston Community College System (27-28), “scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

The consequences for scholastic dishonesty range from a minimum of a 0 on the work through a 0 in the course to expulsion from the college.

Grades A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59

40% = Instructor’s choice: attendance, participation, quizzes
20% = Experience papers (2)
10% = First exam
10% = Historical presentation
10% = Second exam
10% = Creative presentation

This image is by Jason Hogan of HCC.

This syllabus may be revised as the term progresses at the professor’s discretion.

“Thanks to art, instead of seeing a single world, our own, we see it multiply until we have before us as many worlds as there are artists.” –Marcel Proust

The syllabus is in a separate file here.