Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul

by Kenneth R. Miller (2008)

With our public school science standards in constant danger, this book is a must-read for anyone in Texas! The premise of this book by (practicing Christian) Kenneth R. Miller is that the "Intelligent Design" (ID) movement is undermining American science education and threatening America's position as the greatest scientific nation in the world. ID is not serious science but rather the creationism wolf in sheep's clothing. By definition, intelligent design implies an intelligent designer. And of course an intelligent designer implies a divine creator... Even so, what if ID really were a bona fide scientific theory? How can we use it to explain the fossil record? How do we explain all those extinctions, and the fact that many species seem related to other species? Why do we carry broken genes, and why do we share matching mutations with other species? And what about the idea of "irreducible complexity" as "proof" of ID? Does irreducible complexity really exist, or can we spot descent with modification instead?

Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul