English Composition II (ENG 1302)

English 1302 is a more extensive study of the skills introduced in English 1301 with an emphasis on critical thinking, research and documentation techniques, and literary and rhetorical analysis. English 1302 is a core curriculum course.


ENG 1302 Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply basic principles of rhetorical analysis.
  2. Write essays that classify, explain, and evaluate rhetorical and literary strategies employed in argumentative, persuasive, and various other forms of literature.
  3. Identify, differentiate, integrate, and synthesize research materials into argumentative and/or analytical essays.
  4. Employ appropriate documentation style and format across the spectrum of in-class and out-of-class written discourse.
  5. Demonstrate library literacy.



Course Information

Course Materials

Microsoft Clip Art
Microsoft Clip Art