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- How it Feels to Be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston
- On Going Home by Joan Didion
- The Ugly Truth About Beauty by Dave Barry
- A Few Too Many by Joan Acorella
- This is the Life by Annie Dillard
- If You Are What You Eat, Then What Am I-Geeta Kothari
- "Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space" by Brent Staples
- Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted-Malcolm Gladwell
- What's Your Name Girl
- The Arrival
- The Necklace
- Why Everyone Should Take an English Class in College
- This study shows American federalism is a total joke
- The title is an exaggeration and a bit melodramatic, but it makes a good point about federalism.
- The Sky is Gray Movie
- Otis F. Graf, Jr. Selected Papers, Publications and Presentations
- Writing Do's and Don't's #1 Prezi
- Writing Do's and Don't's #1 Prezi
- Conference Link
- HCC Philosophy Department Website
- HCC Philosophy Department webpage
- HCC Philosophy Department webpage.